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Mini/Micro Brittle Star

Mini/Micro Brittle Star

Common name: Miniature Brittle Star, Serpent Star

Class Ophiuriodea. This particular hitchhiker species stays small in size. They are excellent scavengers and detrivores, often seen at night. Often times, the legs are seen waving sticking out of the live rock. Some companies offer the small variet
I recently transferred a 60 gallon setup and found about 8 of these. They are about the size of one digit on my finger. They are so brittle and don't like being exposed to the light. And the turbo snails were trying to eat them so I had to hurry. Never seen them again!
You'll probably find them when you feed your tank. My micro brittle stars' population waxes and wanes. Sometimes I see a ton of them, and other times I don't see very many.
I have atleast two of these. They like to hang out in my zoa colony and don't seem to bother anything. They do become more active around feeding times.

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