Recent content by cdbdis

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  1. cdbdis

    SEA-MAX 2011 in Seattle, WA!

    What a great show! Found exactly what I was looking for - a nice size frag of the REAL Blue Matrix Acro from Barrier Reef! Thanks Cy - it really looks AWESOME...polyps were extending immediately. Let's do this again next year!
  2. cdbdis

    help me identify! is this a pest? rapid spread......

    Flat Worms... Found them in my 40gal sucked as many as we could out every water change over a two month period. I havent seen any since last year. :)
  3. cdbdis

    Some New Babies...

    Thanks everyone, these have truly been a joy to raise from fry. We have 2 more batches that are up and coming. Amazing how fast they grow up. Like sending your kids off to college... Right now they are about 3 weeks out from general sale as they are still a bit young (61 days) about 3/4"...
  4. cdbdis

    Some New Babies...

    Day 61 A few more pics of our oldest batch - we're hitting day 61 and these guys are getting very used to the hand feedings. About 3/4" and growing quick.
  5. cdbdis

    Some New Babies...

    You've been PM'd. Dave
  6. cdbdis

    Some New Babies...

    Not a problem - happy to show off our makeshift setup - shoot me a PM sometime when you're ready to come by. Thanks, Dave
  7. cdbdis

    Some New Babies...

    Thanks everyone for all the enthusiasm and support - this is truly fun for us to witness first hand. Waiting for some final coloration to come in around the tail fins before we price them out - should be real soon. Will keep everyone informed. Brosky and dirtyd, I've added you on the list...
  8. cdbdis

    Some New Babies...

    A few more pics - Day 41 Thought I'd post a few recent pics of this "oldest" batch - we're at day 41 and coloring up nicely - zero losses since day 12. Amazing how fast they grow at this time - looking different every day and eating voraciously! Also a pic of some newest arrivals...born 4/17...
  9. cdbdis

    Ora'S new clown fish

    They are located at the Clear Creek Nursery::::11688 Clear Creek Road Silverdale, WA 98383 360-308-8210
  10. cdbdis

    Ora'S new clown fish

    Eric already got us for the Picassos, and I'm glad he did! No buyers remorse here :o) We'll have to come in and take a look though, I bet they are beautiful. Nano24 do you work for Eric?
  11. cdbdis

    Ora'S new clown fish

    Value is in the eye of the beholder just like beauty. For some there is no price too high, now some of us on a budget have to stop somewhere, or rely on the kind heart who gives away for free to a good home :o) Pets are pets wether it be dog/cat horse or fish. If your in love you'll dish it out...
  12. cdbdis

    Love hate relationship!

    +1 for aqua gloves...
  13. cdbdis

    Comment by 'cdbdis' in media 'tank2a'

    Dave, I really like that shot :o)
  14. cdbdis

    Some New Babies...

    Hi - thanks for your interest. Yes, we culture rotifers at home in a shop area off our garage - about 8-10 gallons at any one time in several containers in various stages of growout density - they are that important for their survival. We feed one specific marine rotifer type called B...
  15. cdbdis

    Some New Babies...

    Thanks for the interest everyone - this has truly been a fun chapter in my reefkeeping experience. Saltwaterfishes - As for food - currently we're feeding these guys everything but the kitchen sink. Crushed flake / Cyclopeeze / Oysterpearls / Ground Mysis and dried Egg Yolk off the top of my...