Recent content by Ellylove

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  1. Ellylove

    Rebirth of the 29 Gallon Bio-Cube

    Devil's Armor zoas have always gotten long for me. The ones I had in my old set up did it too. I changed the bulbs so I know it's not a light issue. I think my salinity has been running too high. Maybe that's it? My clown is OBSESSED with his nem!
  2. Ellylove

    Rebirth of the 29 Gallon Bio-Cube

    These are videos and you can watch them on Photobucket if you click on them.
  3. Ellylove

    Rebirth of the 29 Gallon Bio-Cube

    These have been sitting on my desktop for a couple days waiting to be uploaded. These were taken before the water change and it looks WAY better now!
  4. Ellylove

    Rebirth of the 29 Gallon Bio-Cube

    For some reason I wasn't getting email notifications... :confused: I had actually planned on taking some before and after pics today. I'm doing a water change later. I've been battling cyano for about a month and a half. I finally just let it do it's thing and it all turned green and is...
  5. Ellylove

    Rebirth of the 29 Gallon Bio-Cube

    Who's got 2 thumbs and is the PSAS Oct Tank of the Month winner? This girl!!! :D So, I've been battling a little bit of cyano for a couple weeks and decided to just go ahead and chemiclean it before it got out of hand. I did the 20% WC this afternoon and the tank looks FANTASTIC! The mandarins...
  6. Ellylove

    Rebirth of the 29 Gallon Bio-Cube

    BTW, I'd LOVE it if y'all went and voted for my tank as PSAS Oct. TOTM. It's just my tank and one other. Thanks! The Puget Sound Aquarium Society • View topic - Oct TOTM vote!
  7. Ellylove

    Rebirth of the 29 Gallon Bio-Cube

    Pics as promised!!! (Sorry it took so long!!!) Also, both mandarins are looking a little skinny. :( They eat frozen food, but idk if they aren't getting enough or the right kind, or what. I'm going to the Barrier Reef anniversary sale this weekend and will be picking up some pods (if they still...
  8. Ellylove

    Rebirth of the 29 Gallon Bio-Cube

    Update!!!!! So, it looks like the Jawfish is definitely MIA and is presumed dead. :rip: :( A small green bay packers frag I had is MIA (I still have some on the frag rack, and I wasn't that excited about them so I'm not that upset. The hubby liked them though, so I'll probably take some off...
  9. Ellylove

    Rebirth of the 29 Gallon Bio-Cube

    Sorry guys! I'm in NC through Friday and haven't had internet access in a week. Arg! My mom says everything is fine, but she hasn't seen the jawfish... I REALLY hope he's just hiding. I know he didn't jump somewhere unfortunate since I have a fish guard from inTank and the tank is covered, but...
  10. Ellylove

    Rebirth of the 29 Gallon Bio-Cube

    Thanks! I've been very diligent with doing a water change once a week, and it had a little brown algae on the sand, but I let it run its course instead of trying to fight it (and I got a sandsifting starfish) and it's all gone now. All the frags are growing like crazy (except the 3 sps from...
  11. Ellylove

    Rebirth of the 29 Gallon Bio-Cube

    I'd take some, but I'm in AZ and then NC for the next 2 weeks and the tank is in WA. :P The firefish is VERY well adjusted to it's new home and is always out and about. The jawfish on the other hand is still in hide mode. The first spot it picked for it's home wasn't very good, so I filled in...
  12. Ellylove

    Rebirth of the 29 Gallon Bio-Cube

    Good news, everyone! (PLEASE tell me someone on here watches Futurama... :) ) My mom got me a Stunner Strip for my birthday! Yay!!! It's a 12,000K White/445nm Blue combo. I just ordered the transformer and reflector so I'll put pics up when they get here. Micro-bubbles are pretty much gone now...
  13. Ellylove

    Rebirth of the 29 Gallon Bio-Cube

    I LOVE my mandarins. They were definitely on the top of my fish list (them and a yellow headed pearly jawfish). My husband is actually the one that picked out the spotted; I think they're ok, but I'm more into the psychedelic ones. I'm glad he found something in this hobby that he enjoys though...
  14. Ellylove

    Rebirth of the 29 Gallon Bio-Cube

    So, I have some AWESOME, AMAZING, FANTASTIC news. Are you ready for it? ;) I just fed the tank, aaaannnndddd: BOTH MANDARINS ATE FROZEN FOOD!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: I was worried about the 29 gallon being able to support them both with enough copepods (even with the fuge in the back)...
  15. Ellylove

    Stony Cutters and Return Flow Flares

    I just want something that will cut through a frag plug with zoas on it, so I'm not worried about fracturing a coral. :) I'll see if my husband has a diamond wheel for his dremel.