Recent content by krisfal

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. krisfal

    5 stage RO/DI plus booster pump - No Longer Available

    Sorry I missed the responses, for some reason it is not sending me e-mails. Please send PM or e-mail me a [email protected] If separated I want $75 each. Also for the RODI I have new filters for 2/5 of the stages and also have enough DI resin for one refill.
  2. krisfal

    5 stage RO/DI plus booster pump - No Longer Available

    Thanks guys, yes it is a great deal and I am surprised no one has grabbed this yet
  3. krisfal

    5 stage RO/DI plus booster pump - No Longer Available

    Bump, need this sold, reduced price by $25
  4. krisfal

    Reeftech Programmable LED lights - SOLD

    Reeftech Programmable LED lights Awesome lighting used for about 3 years, program via bluetooth from your PC with easy to use program. 3 x 160 watts. Sunrise, Sunset, Moon rise, Moon set, cloudy periods and lightening storms are all easily programmed. I need this gone in the next month so...
  5. krisfal

    NEW LOWER PRICE: ReefTech Programamable LED lights 3 x 160 watts - No Longer Available

    Note: I am willing to sell these separately, each unit can be a master so you can buy one and use over a smaller tank, two over medium size tank or I had all three over an 8' tank.
  6. krisfal

    5 stage RO/DI plus booster pump - No Longer Available

    5 stage RO/DI plus booster pump 5 stage RO/DI plus booster pump, will sell separately. List Date: 7/21/2014 For more info, click here to view the original listing: 5 stage RO/DI plus booster pump -------------------------------------- This item is no longer available...
  7. krisfal

    NEW LOWER PRICE: ReefTech Programamable LED lights 3 x 160 watts - No Longer Available

    NEW LOWER PRICE: ReefTech Programamable LED lights 3 x 160 watts - No Longer Available NEW LOWER PRICE: ReefTech Programamable LED lights 3 x 160 watts ReefTech Programamable LED lights 3 x 160 watts Control from your PC via bluetooth with simple user software, sunrise, sunset, mooncycle...
  8. krisfal

    Misc Equipment for Sale-Lowered prices and new stuff

    Neptune Controller, Frag Cave, Heater, Eheim Pump and Egg Crate SOLD!
  9. krisfal

    time to drain the tanks and call it quits

    I just did a quick look-up on GE Silicone II and I think it does have a mildew inhibitor. I know there is a type you can get at the hardware store but it is not easy to find, I know I used to spend a long time reading all the different tubes to find it and only certain stores carried it. this...
  10. krisfal

    time to drain the tanks and call it quits

    One question I did not see asked is what kind of silicone did you use for the baffles in the tank? Many have mold and mildew inhibitors in them that are toxic to fish.
  11. krisfal

    Misc Equipment for Sale-Lowered prices and new stuff

    I am not interested in selling just part so if you guys work it out that would be awesome. I am moving to Hawaii and want all this stuff gone!