Do you have a local club? They might be able to offer some advice.
You could do some searching on how people use their hot water heater to heat the tank which might be your best bet.
This site is kind dead. Some folks still check in, but not often.
All the weight of a rimmed aquarium is carried by the frame.
If the imperfections do NOT touch the glass of the tank, then there is no reason for the mat. If they do, then they have to be leveled/removed somehow. There glass should NOT touch the stand.
Most power heads have their own controllers now. I think the only multi pump controller left (other than running an apex) is the coralvue Hydros WaveEngine.
I wouldn't do anything specific to help him, but I would verify the Iodine content in your water.
Iodine is used in molting. I'd do an ICP rather than test manually, because its a hard test and you won't run it often. It will give you an idea what to add. Be cautious the amount as it can...
I used vibrant also. Knocked out my bubble algae in a couple weeks.
A google search brings finds it pretty easily
vibrant aquarium cleaner - reef formula - Google Search
a few quick pictures from yesterday.
Yes, that is a big beautiful aiptasia next to a really cool mussel growing in the sump of my 120
This goni is finally starting to look like something. I've been moving it around for quite a while to find the flow it likes.
The image doesn't do this...