Recent content by WABlonde

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. WABlonde

    75 Gallon w/ Live Rock

    Sorry guys. I listed it on CL for $500. But really, fair offers will be considered. We have no more fish and it's hard to justify keeping a 75 gal just for 6 snails... don't get me wrong.. I do love "the babies". :rofl: We have 1/2 of our LR in the tank and 1/2 soaking to rid of algae...
  2. WABlonde

    75 Gallon w/ Live Rock

    Lacey, WA Selling our complete setup. Has dual back-pack skimmer, Fluval FX5 Filter, 48" Coralife lighting...
  3. WABlonde

    Metal Halide Lamp Question...

    I knew I came to the right place. Thanks so much @tike!
  4. WABlonde

    Metal Halide Lamp Question...

    Looking to replace the lamps for the tank.... 150W 10K double ended metal halides. I've purchased them in the past from Marine Depot. Shamefully, it's been a loooong time, the corals are doing poorly and we're having an algae outbreak. *Note: We're wanting out of our aquarium, so don't want...
  5. WABlonde

    Live Aragonite Sand

    Live Aragonite Sand I have approximately a 5lb. bucket worth of live aragonite sand from salt water set-up that needs a home. Would prefer to trade - I can use a pump, filter for 30 gal fw tank, or neutral colored rocks for fw set-up. Let me know what you have! Will keep tank circulating in...
  6. WABlonde

    Funny Fish or Tank Issues?

    Hoping someone here might have some answers as Google failed me. I have a 45 gal hex and it's only occupant is a dragon wrasse. Just recently he started going up and pressing himself against the overflow causing a tank full of bubbles.. then he'll go about and swim through the bubbles. A...
  7. WABlonde

    75 Gal full set-up - Lacey, WA

    apparently I need coffee..
  8. WABlonde

    75 Gal full set-up - Lacey, WA

    Hi Marlin. I'll keep that in mind and reach out to you if we decide to go that route. Wish I could edit original post. Reposted craigslist ad:
  9. WABlonde

    75 Gal full set-up - Lacey, WA

    75 Gallon Saltwater set-up looking for a good home. I REALLY don't want to deal with parting this out. Looking to sell as complete set-up. Have QT Tank, extra light set, and new Megaflow sump to sweeten the deal. Have new pump for skimmer on order as one of ours has recently decided it...
  10. WABlonde

    About to order a Fluval CP4 pump. Any Reviews?

    I'm looking at ordering a pump/powerhead for circulation for our 75g and price is a factor. Came across the Fluval CP4 but I'm not finding much in the lines of reviews. Has anyone used these? I've read in one place that they have suction cups.. another review said they were magnetic. I...
  11. WABlonde

    Niger M.I.A.

    I found a few of my fresh water fish on the floor when I moved furniture. The hex is completely closed tight with just an overflow at the top. I figure after 3-4 days there probably not much left of him. Anyone looking to rehome a Niger? ;)
  12. WABlonde

    Niger M.I.A.

    We have a hex which houses a Niger trigger, fox face and dragon wrasse. They've lived together well for probably around a year now.. At feeding time the other night, our Niger (who is the biggest beggar in the tank) didn't show. And he's NOWHERE to be found. He appeared to be healthy and we...
  13. WABlonde

    Good heater

    I noticed the other night that one of our Anemones was missing. Went to check it out and our tank was above 86 degrees! And said anemone was NOT a happy camper. The next day it's down to 72! So I took Mfinn and TJL's advice and purchased a Ebo-Jager which arrived today. Hoping for good...
  14. WABlonde

    Olympia WA Hobbiest's?

    So super sad over here - and frustrated. We tested our house water and the RO water. House camine in at 329 tsd and RO was at 299!! So frustrated as these were new filters when we purchase the unit. Any tips?
  15. WABlonde

    Olympia WA Hobbiest's?

    Well I convinced the BF to hook up an RO machine that we purchased quite some time ago. He's able to test it at work and hopefully he comes back with some great results!