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  1. pinkfloydfan

    Help on balancing CA, KH, and Mg.

    It is true. Check the chart here; Composition of seawater I have this bookmarked as it is real informative. You do have to check your Mag because because 3:1 is the sea level ratio but that does not mean your tank is "in ratio." Remember, the ocean is a vast ecosystem and the ratios rarely are...
  2. pinkfloydfan

    Help on balancing CA, KH, and Mg.

    I think you worry too much (chuckle!).
  3. pinkfloydfan

    Help on balancing CA, KH, and Mg.

    Hmm, with all due respect, there are reasons such as running at 1500-1700 ppm to eradicate some types of algae with no adverse affects on the other inhabitants of the tank...and others. You are just not aware of them.
  4. pinkfloydfan

    Help on balancing CA, KH, and Mg.

    APch1ll3n FYI, many of us run our Mag in the 1500-1800 range, for various reasons. The correct ratio is 3:1 Mag to Cal. Your other option on the salt mix is to simply raise the Cal to 500 to get the ratio close. I have my cal at 450-500 all the time as I run mag at 1350-1500.
  5. pinkfloydfan

    Hosting clown fish with anemones

    I just posted this to make sure I knew what I remembered. I use Photobucket. I choose IMG codes from the "get links", then when you come here, choose little square "insert image" icon. Paste in the link to the URL address bar THEN you have to unchesk the box for the "Retrieve remote file and...
  6. pinkfloydfan

    So I gots the hair algae...

    I am using it. Simplifies things tremendously. If you have a hair algae or other algae (with exception of bryopsis and turf which it only stops but doesn't get rid of) it is a great solution. As a carbon dosing method, I like it better than Vodka, it's less dangerous to the tank. NO3:PO4-X is...
  7. pinkfloydfan

    Nitrate/Phosphate test and NO3:PO4 -X

    You really should give the tank at least 8 hours of light. Since there is algae, your nitrates and phosphate are not actually zero, the algae is using it to thrive so your tests will show zero. I use the NO3:Po4-X, it is a good product, a source of carbon i.e. carbon dosing. Not more likely...
  8. pinkfloydfan

    ID of a couple things

    Great! We figured it out. No mat.....sponge.
  9. pinkfloydfan

    ID of a couple things

    O.k. hard to say with those quasi photos. Now that you have given more info, namely the mat, it may be GSP but the mat is usually located in one area and spreads, not in blotches like your pic. Now, normally, the mat has this beautiful Purple or Pink depending on your lighting, but, in improper...
  10. pinkfloydfan

    ID of a couple things

    The white ones look like, as mentioned, Spirorbid; Spirorbis Temporal range: Miocene–Recent[1] PreЄ Є O S D C P T J K Pg N Spirorbis spirorbis (modern) Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Annelida Class: Polychaeta...
  11. pinkfloydfan

    Tank crashed and need a new skimmer...

    Check here; Hang on Protein Skimmer, Impact Skimmer - Sealife Systems I am not allowed to post the page. These are some of the best.
  12. pinkfloydfan

    So I gots the hair algae...

    No, you keep the skimmer. If you would like a simple solution that absolutely works, try carbon dosing. You have to use some caution as to not overdose the tank but it will eradicate the algae. I didn't like what I read about Vodka as the carbon source so I ended up going with NO3:PO4-X made by...
  13. pinkfloydfan

    Help ID!!!

    So, dtech07, did you figure it out?
  14. pinkfloydfan

    Help ID!!!

    Looks like my Live Aquaria page of coral has been pulled. I guess the mods thought I was putting up an ad. They were incorrect. I looked at 3-4 different sites to try and help ID the coral, that's all, plain and simple.
  15. pinkfloydfan

    "Aiptasia" Boiling Water My Successfull Removal

    Psilocybin Mushrooms BOTANICAL CLASSIFICATION Family : Strophariaceae Genus : Psilocybe Species : cubensis; cyanescens; semilanceata; ... Genus : Panaeolus Species : campanulatus; subbalteatus; ... COMMON NAMES Shrooms; Magic Mushrooms; Sacred Mushrooms; teonanácatl...
  16. pinkfloydfan

    "Aiptasia" Boiling Water My Successfull Removal

    I never condone killing anything in the tank with the exception of the Aiptasia and Majano as they are destructive.
  17. pinkfloydfan

    "Aiptasia" Boiling Water My Successfull Removal

    Yes indeed, an old tried and true method. Lemon Juice is another. On some of the more stubborn ones or Majanos you may have to go with Joes' Juice.
  18. pinkfloydfan

    Cerith snails reproducing?

    Yes, here is another pic; I don't see eggs in your tank. Are you sure they aren't pods.
  19. pinkfloydfan

    Sea hare

    Caution must be used when considering a Sea Hair. Even if you don't get the poisonous kind, any slug of their size that gets lodged in the rock-work or overflow/sump, as aquanaut stated, and dies off will cause pollution issues and more algae growth, exactly what you don't want. Try Blue Tuxedo...
  20. pinkfloydfan

    Cyano control

    After looking over your response I don't see Mag or Cal, they are important. Also, you left out lighting. How often and how much are you feeding. The canister filter needs to kept really clean. once a week is normal protocol for a canister with a once a month mega clean doing the hoses as well...