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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. hazyeyedj

    Marine Enviornment Salts

    I don't want to get into the ugly which salt is better discussion as that is not the point of my post, there are enough of those threads out there. :D What I would like to know is has anybody out there actually used the Marine Envoirnment Salts in their tanks. I see that it did score the...
  2. hazyeyedj

    LIGHTING - Any body want to trade....Suggestions?????

    bump....didn't stay in the new posts this morning, posted way to late last night :)
  3. hazyeyedj

    LIGHTING - Any body want to trade....Suggestions?????

    Ok, had a crazy idea today, don't expect it to be a go but you never know, so I figured I would throw it out there and see if anybody is interested. A little background, I have had my 55-hex set up for 3 years and am running minimal lighting for what I want to do in there and now that I have my...
  4. hazyeyedj

    my diy light

    Looks good Shawn. I am getting ready to build a new canopy for my 55-Hex, how much was that sheet metal you used for a reflector? Where would be a good place to pic some of that up? -Jason
  5. Mantis Shrimp

    Mantis Shrimp

    I finally caught this guy after 4 days of knowledge he was in my 55, he must have been in there at least a month if not more.
  6. 125 - Humu Humu Trigger

    125 - Humu Humu Trigger

    Humuhumunukunukuapawa'a......say that 3 times fast
  7. 125 - Harliquin Tusk

    125 - Harliquin Tusk

    Austrailian Harliquin Tusk - aka Harley
  8. 125 - Front View

    125 - Front View

    125 Gallon Predetor Reef - Display Tank.
  9. 125 - Lighting

    125 - Lighting

    2 x 110w VHO 2 x 400w MH
  10. 125 - Protien Skimmer

    125 - Protien Skimmer

    Tunze DOC 9005
  11. 125 - Left Cabinet

    125 - Left Cabinet

    2 x 400w MH ballist - Fuge
  12. 55-Hex


    False Percula Clown
  13. 55-Hex


    Clove - Zoo's - Shrooms
  14. 55-Hex


    Feather Dusters
  15. 55-Hex


    Kole Tang
  16. 55-Hex


    Bi-Color Angel - Alice
  17. 55-Hex - Skimmer

    55-Hex - Skimmer

    Coralife SuperSkimmer 65
  18. hazyeyedj

