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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. Recife

    Ich: it has finally happened to me :-(

    That didn't work for me. I was feeding the fish well, adding garlic extract to the food, but my blue tang got really badly infected and started to rub against the rocks and was completely bruised until it died.
  2. Recife

    Ich: it has finally happened to me :-(

    Oh dear... :-( So maybe I should put a new post: "how to catch a chromis". Any advice?
  3. Recife

    Ich: it has finally happened to me :-(

    I've been doing everything according to the script. Fish in quarantine, recovering well. I managed to take out of the display tank all fish, except for one stubborn blue chromis. There's no force on earth or heaven that will help me fish him out. I've tried EVERYTHING. So my question is: he...
  4. Recife

    Ich: it has finally happened to me :-(

    Thanks everyone. As usual, RF being a quick realiable source of info. Hopefully the fish will recover. Am I likely to need a ph buffer? I never ever added any buffer to my display tank, the parameters are always perfect. But I don't think a small quarantine tank will give me the same luck.
  5. Recife

    Ich: it has finally happened to me :-(

    Thanks guys. My main problem with the QT tank route is space. I live in a condo and didn't really want to go down that route, but if it has to be done, it has to be done. I'll check petco and petsmart to get some cheap small tank :-) OK, so what are the recommended steps once I have the low...
  6. Recife

    Ich: it has finally happened to me :-(

    My blue tang and flame angel got ich. I've read a lot of great posts here about treatment options and I have a few questions: 1. The fish are acting healthy. Is there any chance adding garlic and one of those so called reef safe products will work? 2. I don't have a QT tank. Could I possibly...
  7. Recife

    What MH wattage to buy?

    This is turning out to be a very interesting thread. What's the advantage of going for a fixture with or without PCs as well as MH, like in the one I linked to? Is it just to give the dawn/dusk effect? If so, how important is that? I don't have a canopy high enough to use a retro kit, so I...
  8. Recife

    What MH wattage to buy?

    This is what I was thinking of getting. (Bit afraid of posting it and getting told off :) ) It does have PCs as well. Bradreef, the equivalent fixture with 2 250w instead of...
  9. Recife

    What MH wattage to buy?

    Sorry folks, I appreciate the help. I'm just a bit frustrated because most of what I read online or in books is "this is recommended", but I haven't seen many real life experience. I think you've done enough convincing :-)
  10. Recife

    What MH wattage to buy?

    That's what some sites say, but you can't always trust them. For anemone keeping, I've seen many posts in this and other forums of people reporting they can successfully keep anemones with PC lights! I also have a friend who has a 30" deep tank who keeps an anemone for over a year on his sand...
  11. Recife

    What MH wattage to buy?

    Hi, I'm upgrading to MH but I'm still unsure as to which fixture to buy. My tank is 48" long x 30" deep and I'm considering 2 150w MH + 2 96w PC Actinic. I've done some reading and some people say this is not enough for a tank this depth. The thing is I'm not interested in clams or sps. I do...
  12. Recife

    Custom made canopy

    Hi, Where in the Seattle area can I order a customized canopy? Also, can you give me a ballpark figure of how much that might cost? My tank is a 125gal, 48" long and I'm thinking of one of those wooden canopies that open at the front. It has to be high enough to fit the lighting fixture. Thanks.
  13. Recife

    Best places for plumbing supplies in Seattle/Bellevue

    Hi folks, I'm doing the plumbing of my tank at the moment and I'm pretty disappointed with the selection hardware stores like Lowe's and Home Depot stock. What places in the Seattle area would you recommend for buying connectors, pipes, glue, etc? Thanks!
  14. Recife

