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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. Strawberry Fields

    Strawberry Fields

  2. G

    This is a test

    This is a test
  3. G

    Do corals fade after time under LED lighting?

    I'm considering buying LEDs but I just heard that coral will fade after time due to the fact LEDs don't emit UV light. Does anyone have any experience or first hand knowledge of this?
  4. G

    fish are dieing

    fish are dying Were there any signs the fish were starting to have trouble? Color changes, spots, lethargy etc...? Anything new added to the tank that might have precipitated the problem?
  5. G

    gender mystery wrasse?

    characterstics of male/female MW Feel free to interject anyone if this doesn't sound right. What I'm hearing is that a MW while it is young is female, as they are sexually dimorphic, and has 4 or 5 white vertical bars along its length. The female fish loses these white bars and adds size and...
  6. G

    gender mystery wrasse?

    my MW has white bars and is about 3" does this sound like a female. I'd like a mated pair but I don't know how to sex them. Help anyone?
  7. Gordy

