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  1. Burke

    Floor support tank

    Also, where is the tank sitting on the floor? Just over a beam? Is it perpendicular or parallel to the floor joists?
  2. Burke

    New Nano

    I have a 3gal nano with not even a 1/4" sand bed. I only wanted to have just enough to cover the bottom. Do you have anything that lives in the sand or would require a thicker sand bed?
  3. Burke

    29 gal nano to hold me over!

    Nice start. I’m excited to see it setup. I also recently got a steal of a deal on a used 29 gallon, but I’m still in the planning stage. So many choices. :)
  4. Burke

    help with a long tentacle anemone please

    I agree with Sid. But if you think it's having an issue, how about posting a picture.
  5. Burke

    Good Clean Up Crew ?

    I really like my tiger tail cucumber, it does a good job keeping the sand clean. It’s fun to watch and it won’t poison the tank if it dies. It also won’t remove the beneficial stuff in your sand.
  6. Burke

    Flapjack the zooanthid sitting on devilfish weapon of mass zooanthal destruction!!!..

    That is really a cool looking fish. Wish I had one. :D:D:D
  7. Burke

    Feeding Anemones

    Chunks of silversides are best, but you could squirt food it's way. The food just needs to touch it's tentacles, it'll take care of the rest. :)
  8. Burke

    Pico reef?

    It's a 9w PC. The bulb is near the end of life and I'm looking at a stronger light. I do water changes every two weeks (I do them the same time I do a water change for my 125 gal, so it doesn't add any extra work :)), I had a fish in there at one time and I did water changes every week then.
  9. Burke

    Pico reef?

    You will want to use fresh made water for water changes, but you only have to do a gallon at a time. So it's really not much work. I have a 3 gallon with an open top. I do have to add a little water in it every day. I have a 1/2 gallon jug near it with RO/DI water in it, so when I check on...
  10. Burke


    I have a friend with an 80 gallon that has one. He bought the tank used over a year ago and the star came with the tank. The previous owner had it for over a year also. So it's been in the same tank for two plus years. I would think it would also depend on any other sand sifters you have and...
  11. Burke

    First post with pics of my new 5.5

    Yea, I have a 3 gal and had a fish in it for a while. The waste caused too much algae, so I move it out. I did try running carbon, but it didn't help much. It was probably too big. There are some fish that are small and stay small. Anyway, good luck and keep us updated with your progress.
  12. Burke

    First post with pics of my new 5.5

    How many watts is the light? Are you planning to get any fish?
  13. Burke

    First post with pics of my new 5.5

    Nice start, what are your plans? Welcome to RF. :)
  14. Burke

    pictures of the 20 gallon

    Very nice tank. I like the variety of coral you have. What kind of fish do you have in there? Is that one pirched under your frag rack in the first pic?
  15. Burke

    Couple Clean Up Crew Questions

    Tigar tails are not supposed to be toxic even if they die.
  16. Burke

    What do you guys think?

    I use to use one to run carbon in. They are not bad as long as you keep them clean.
  17. Burke

    Trying to figure out what I need to get started

    Sorry I can't help with the skimmer, but if you do a web search for it or search on this site or other reef sites you should be able to get the info you need, or see others folks setups that will help. I cannot stress enough to do research before you jump in. Trust me it will save you time...
  18. Burke

    Couple Clean Up Crew Questions

    How about a tiger tail cucumber? Mine does a good job keeping my sand clean and he is cool to look at.
  19. Burke

    Frag RBTA Anemone

    Yes, over feeding it will cause it to slit. Just stress it out, then you will have two for free. :)
  20. Burke


    Sorry, It won't get you the water quality you need.