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  1. B

    How can I make my XXL Derasa Happy?

    We sell tanks also, when do you want me to ship? :razz: ;)
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    low light clams?

    I would go with a brown mantle maxima. IME. With you 20 gallon tank, also watch the salinity, clams don't like alot of swings.
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    How can I make my XXL Derasa Happy?

    Looks like it need a larger home, send it on too me. :D
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    Tridacnid Work Shop

    When you described it, I thought maybe I might be a larger clams.
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    Tridacnid Work Shop

    Truthfully, I do not have the answer to that question. :( Shame on you :D How large is the clams? With larger clams, that is not uncommon for them to fade a little between the incurrent and excurrent. The mantle is thinning in that area.
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    Tridacnid Work Shop

    Most Tridacnids that are being exported these days come from shallow waters as most now are raised in raceways or shallow waters. Even gigas that have been coming in are farmed raised. The more intense lighting keep the zooxanthelae growing with the brighter colored pigmentation of the mantle...
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    How can I make my XXL Derasa Happy?

    Wonder why it spawned?? Spawining is normally triggered by some sort of stress.
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    Tridacnid Work Shop

    Not pose a problem as many do it. Most of the clams that are being shipped in are collected or raised in shallow water, thus the bulb temp is lower.
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    Pinched Mantle

    Still working on something but nothing that I am ready to post yet. Now I need some clams with PM so we can do some testing.
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    Tridacnid Work Shop

    Will try to answer them for you. ;)
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    Tridacnid Work Shop

    Lighting When considering your purchase of clams, keep in mind that some Tridacnids require more intense lighting than others. A good rule of thumb is the more intense color the more intense lighting is required. Bulb temperatures of 6,500K-10,000K are ideal, and will provide the spectrum the...
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    I am not sure either. :( All I can tell you is that most of the people that have tried to raise Giant Clam in a home aquarium was not successful. There is a DVD that I have by Simon Ellis showing how they raise them at the clam farms.
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    Tridacnid Work Shop

    Slow growth like you said as well as lost of some color, slow movement or reaction and mantles will not extend like they normally will do. PS How was MACNA? Did you and Mike stay out of trouble?
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    Tridacnid Work Shop

    Water Chemistry Water chemistry plays an important role in health of Tridacnids. The water chemistry should be stable, with no large swings in your specific gravity or pH. Here are some recommended environmental parameters: 1.Salinity 1.022 - 1.025 2. pH 8.0 - 8.4 3. Alkalinity 9.0 - 11.0...
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    Tridacnid Work Shop

    Working on something :)
  16. B

    Tridacnid Work Shop

    Agreed! :) Can't speak for all vendors but I feel that the clams should be quarantined at least 7 days before shipping and wild ones longer. JMO.
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    Tridacnid Work Shop

    IMO, yes. Plus cultured ones are not collected like wild one so less changes of disease or infection like wild one due to poor collection.
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    Tridacnid Work Shop

    Chris, That was a few hours after we saw the sack. This guy was brough to us from a Marine that was being deployed and had to take his tank down.
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    Tridacnid Work Shop

    Gapping is something that should also be considered but with some species such as Tridacna crocea and squamosa, gapping is not uncommon but if a Tridacna derasa or maxima gap, then I get concerned.
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    Tridacnid Work Shop

    These parasitic snails can do serious damage to the clam and must not be allowed into your aquarium. This is some that were found around the footing of a clam.