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  1. akunochi

    Can anyone name this coral

    See I knew someone smart would show up!
  2. akunochi

    New Scavenger Hunt Contest!!!

    I'm so winning this....I;ve gone on a sleep strike and constantly refresh all the pages in different tabs.
  3. akunochi

    Can anyone name this coral

    Yeah was a guess.
  4. akunochi

    Can anyone name this coral

    Gradis paly's? mini maxi anenomes?
  5. akunochi

    RavineJK's 72G

    Yeah that was a weird light configuration....I'm looking forward to your kids progress.
  6. akunochi

    camera questions and guide

    No a macro lens is a macro lens a tele lens is for range. I like the canon series. i have a XTI, Adam has an XSI, Brie has a 60D or something LOL
  7. akunochi

    dtd87's 50b Build

    No worries, hope I helped.
  8. akunochi


    There is a reason a lot of professional prop shops that do a 4 hour on 8 hour off cycle for the reasons stated above. I ran my MH for 6 hours with T5 for 1 hour on either side prior to switching to LED.
  9. akunochi

    dtd87's 50b Build

    Take a board cut a hole in the board for the DJ strip, paint the board black. Mount the board to the inside upright stiles at each end. Mount the DJ strip...Profit.
  10. akunochi

    RavineJK's 72G

    Very nice! Rock work looks good. Do those powerheads get enough flow in there for you? Details on lighting?
  11. akunochi

    1st Meeting of the new club year. FRAG SWAP!

    We are looking forward to seeing you!
  12. akunochi

    I need you guys to rally as many Hospital tanks as we can.

    You can buy pods at barrier and dose them into the tank....You know the QT tank is 3 times the size of that packed biocube right? You can always just come grab that 100G rubbermaid too and use it at your place.
  13. akunochi

    Aku's 48x48x20 irregular hexahedron take 2

    Well mine isn't a mistake...just a miscalculation....yep intentional design variation via circumstance!
  14. akunochi

    Aku's 48x48x20 irregular hexahedron take 2

    LOL thanks Dave. It's true none of us get it all right no matter how well we try. Once I free up some funds I am going to enclose that back area in Mahogany anyway so you won't see those pipes.
  15. akunochi

    Planing stages of "THE L"

    My calculator does it in MM because 1/2" glass can actually span about a 3mm difference based on the manf. With the bracing on it you'll be money with "1/2" glass
  16. akunochi

    Planing stages of "THE L"

    So it looks like using your longest legs as a guide to achieve a safety factor of 7.6 you would need a glass thickness og 16mm side and 22mm bottom( or use a solid bottom with foam.)
  17. akunochi

    Planing stages of "THE L"

    So I see we are going forward with this? I think that looks good. Will your current stand have enough room to allow for the external overflow? I would consider doing some small braces on the bottom of the overflow to the back pane for the size overflow box you are talking about. The design I...
  18. akunochi

    Last minute decision-controller

    Apex or apex lite are the only way to go.
  19. akunochi

    Aku's 48x48x20 irregular hexahedron take 2

    Okay so let's get back to the build a little. So I designed an electrical control panel which you have all seen previously. It features the display module, DJ 8 strip, and 4 Vortech controllers. On the back side I have mounted the EB8, APEX brain module, and the wireless web adapter for...