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  1. roblou

    Getting Started

    +1 on all the above suggestions. I bought a sump (brand new, paid retail, and still have it) that wouldn't fit through the stand door without removing the center brace, doh! (not so bad to remove the center brace IF the tank isn't already full of water, etc)
  2. roblou

    ATP's 120 Gallon Oceanic Tech Tank

    Sorry, I'm not quite understanding your description as to where the water enters your tank. Sounds like you have 3 different spots where water comes back into your display, 2 at the top & 1 at the bottom, is that correct? But yes, if there's a way you can remove the one that is the cause of...
  3. roblou

    ATP's 120 Gallon Oceanic Tech Tank

    Well, if I'm seeing your picture correctly, it looks like your return line coming from your sump enters your display tank about 6" from the bottom, and then the locline travels from there around to the top. Is that correct? Normally, I would suggest that you remove all check valves, fill your...
  4. roblou

    ATP's 120 Gallon Oceanic Tech Tank

    IMHO, any solution that involves a valve to control whether you will or will not have a flood situation during a power outage is not a good one. I'm glad you were home to find out the check valve didn't work, at least the mess was minimized. But, after you replace with a gate or ball valve...
  5. roblou

    Green Slimer Problem

    Hmm, not really. I don't have a full understanding of the relationship of Mg to Ca & Alk, but I do know that if Mg is too low it becomes hard to keep Ca & Alk at approriate levels (i.e. if Mg is low, Ca & Alk end up being low too). If your reading your Mg at 500ppm, I would suggest: 1) double...
  6. roblou

    Green Slimer Problem

    Hi: glad to hear your coral is recovering now. In regards to your readings, I just wanted to clarify: 1) Mg should be approx 3x the level of your Ca (i.e. if Ca is 400, then Mg should be roughly 1200) 2) 500 is a bit on the high side for Ca, but probably ok (I think seawater ranges from...
  7. roblou

    MH bulb lighting help..please

    bulbs are so subjective so it's going to be hard for you to find the right one for your personal taste without actually seeing. I am using the phoenix 14k 250W DE bulb and I like it, although personally I think it could use more blue... I've tried other 20k bulbs, such as megachrome and...
  8. roblou

    this is not good!!!

    Sorry to hear about this! I am going to shop for ranco temperature controllers asap myself as it seems it's only a matter of time before all heaters crash & burn :(
  9. roblou

    Rob's 93g 30"x30"x24" Marineland Cube

    I have been researching all LEDs I can find info about. The ones that have caught my interest are: 1) if money were no object, the AquaIlluminations LED fixtures look very nice. Coupled with a profilux controller, that light can do some pretty cool things. But, coupled with the controller...
  10. roblou

    Rob's 93g 30"x30"x24" Marineland Cube

    I'm using a single 250W MH DE HQI on a magnetic ballast. I had 2 250W on my previous tank, but I decided to only use one on this one. This does result in some shadows on the sides/edges of the tank though, which I am actually OK with. Lately, I have been thinking about switching over to LED...
  11. roblou

    Favia with white spots

    I keep my Alk ~9dKh and haven't noticed any problems with my acans. I don't have any favias, so I can't say anything about them...
  12. roblou

    RO/DI Advice

    I can see where a clear housing could cause algae issues I suppose. I have mine mounted under the sink, so there's no light hitting the membrane during normal use. But, it does make me wonder that if clear housing=algae issues, then why are the filter & DI housings clear? If algae would be an...
  13. roblou

    RO/DI Advice

    The unit you have in the pic looks good: 1. has pressure gauge, which is a good indicator of when your prefilters will need to be changed (pressure will drop as the filters get clogged) 2. has tds meter. I can't tell if it's a single or dual tds meter. If it's single, you might want to see...
  14. roblou

    RO/DI Advice

    Heh, I took so long to write my post someone else answered first, and provided a good wikipedia link to boot ;) Thanks gothunder!
  15. roblou

    RO/DI Advice

    Here is my understanding about RO/DI water in a simplistic overview (this is all based on what I remember reading, so hopefully I'm remembering correctly). After water goes thru the DI stage, it is "ultrapure", close to 0 TDS, assuming the DI isn't exhausted (vs RO water, which removes up to...
  16. roblou

    RO/DI Advice

    Well, I've give this one a try, as non-biased as possible ;) 1) in general, assuming you maintain your RO/DI unit by checking for dirty/clogged filters, etc (general maintenance), you're drinking water should be as pure or purer than anything you buy from a outside source. If you really want...
  17. roblou

    What ATO for reef tanks without sump?

    Ah, gotcha. The only time I cleaned the housings was when I had algae growing on them, and I only cleaned them for asthetic reasons. Otherwise, it was just set & forget. Never had any problems with either float switch sticking, or any of the holes getting plugged.
  18. roblou

    LEDs to replace halides?

    FWIW, there is also a fairly large thread on RC about Maxspect LED lighting, made & shipped from China. I am in no way endorsing them as I've never used or seen Maxspect LED lighting. However, from reading the thread on RC, it seems the maxspect units are worth considering, especially since...
  19. roblou

    overflow question

    I am using the single from I have only been using it for ~5 months, but so far it has never caused a problem and has never failed to restart after power loss, etc. Based on its design, I don't see how it would ever fail, barring the utube...
  20. roblou

    15 gallon tank setup help?

    IMHO, a sump would be especially beneficial on a small tank, even more so than for a larger tank. Some reasons would include: 1) sump would increase your total water volume. For a 15g display, a sump could increase volume by close to 100%?? More water volume should translate to more...