Hi Elmo
Thanks for the information. I'll be thinking of ways to get around that. That's probably HVHY didn't make them benthic at that stage of their life. I think that if I use the same technique for growing Mysidosis shrimp it will help.
Hi Rick
Remember that wile the pads make a very good home they are actually for transferring Amphipods. In the Aquarium prime I just drop a Scrub pad in anywhere. I am wont to get the pad out of the Aquarium prime as soon as all the Amphipods get out of it. I put seven or eight pads in the 5...
The Mandarinfish in #5 Learned from the Clownfish, Not Me
Hi Everyone
The Mandarin in Aquarium #5 is eating inert fish food. I did not teach it this. I was working with the Mandarin in Aquarium #6. This is something the Mandarinfish in #5 learned from the Clownfish, not me.
I think it is...
Today the Mandarinfish in #6 ate a frozen Mysid shrimp whole. I am going to try putting inert fish feed in the Turkey baster. I think it associates the Turkey baster with food now.
A 20 gallon, 30 inchs long, no sand bed, 25 lb's. LR, 6.5 watts per gallon, 125 watt heater, w/o baby-safe system, no Amphipod pile; showing no sign of increase in Amphipod population, but good Copepod population.
Hi Everyone
Wile I was feeding frozen food to the fish and anemones last night the Mandarin in #6 came close to the Clownfish, who was in a feeding frenzy, and got one of the dead brine shrimp.
To wit I make the following statements:
A Clownfish will instruct a Mandarinfish to feed.
Hi Everyone
Today I was watching the Clownfish and the Mandarin #5. They are doing the same kind of things as the Clownfish and the Mandarin #6 (refer back to my entry on June 11). The Premnas biaculeatus in #5 was pecking food off the bottom and these two also like each other and often...
Hi Elmo
Thanks for the offer. I have only one Mandarin in each of the three aquariums that I am using for this. Two 30's and a 20, to that I will add another 30 and a 45 gallon later on. The quest right now is to learn about food production and small aquarium habitat requirements...
Reply to Rick
Hi Rick
You are correct, they do like the more corse pads. I think they like the ability to move around inside the pad. Very much like what they look for in Live rock and what they build or dig-out down inside sand substratum. Try putting fish food in the pad for the Amphipods...
The Mandarinfish in #6
Hi Everyone
At about 6:00 o'clock p.m. today, wile feeding everything from Parakeets to Copepods I could see the Mandarinfish in #6 eat frozen blood worms caught upon Caulerpa. I have been feeding the Clownfish brine shrimp (enriched with DT's Oyster eggs, home grown...
Hi Ilhan
Thanks for the kind words. I designed another system in a modified small Marineland aquarium to grow Copepods, feeding them Green water, Tetrasilmis and Roto-rich. Just use a turkey baster like a transfer pipette to seed the Copepods in the target Mandarin's aquarium.This system needs...
Today I was watching the Clownfish and the Mandarin #6. They watch each other eat. When I fed the Clown some frozen shrimp some went to the bottom and the Clown went after it. The Mandarin hovered close and watched the Clown pick the food off the bottom. I have never seen a Premnas biaculeatus...
Hi Everyone
I've done a little work over the past two weeks. Moved the Amphipods to a 32 gallon trash can. Rebuilt the ten gallon quarantine aquarium so that it now has the baby-safe system.
When I put one of the scrubber pads into this aquarium the amphipods would not get out of it, a few...