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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. C

    Yay!!!!! Upgrading!!!!!

    swt please listen to these guys they know they have fatty tanks and they have had up and down so the they know, and if you want to master reefing u need to stop getting live stock and get testing equitment for ammonia nitrate nitrite phosphate ph ka temp salinty iodine trace dissolved org cal...
  2. C


    hi i live in puyallup i have some fags for trade, i got some neon geen acro and a small baby blue acro and some pvona and red , blue stripe shrooms and zoos bright green long rim and peach centers doug [email protected] or 253-5367446
  3. C

    Naso only eats calurpa

    well thats the natural food source for naso tangs is it large or small i may have some for u in a week or 2
  4. C

    cleaner shrimps with eggs

    hey yawl I got 2 cleaner shrimps with eggs, how do i try grow these little guys if any one has any idea what to do please tell me thanks :shock:
  5. C

    ph probloms

    i have a kwalser reactor and all the new water going in my tank gos thruw it . i have lots of open to water and i loose about 2 gallons a day .
  6. C

    ph probloms

    well my ph was at 8.35 and then i started using kwalsermix, and now my ph wont come down from 8.55. its not hurting anything but some xeina , how can i bring down my ph with out stoping using kwalser mix? my ni are 0 po are 0 my silicit is 0 ca is at 410. some one tell me what might help...
  7. C

    something cralling around an some acros

    i saw something a few of them they where yellow and verry small . i took some pics but my camra would not zoom in that far. dose anyone have any info it dose not seem like they are hurting anything but i think they are spreding i could proble kill them with logos stuff or a other dip...
  8. blue bottle brush

    blue bottle brush

  9. coralseas

