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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. conradryaan

    New guy and his corner tank.

    Hey guys, my name is Conrad and I'm from Seattle currently living in north Idaho. I started out in fresh water, always had a love for fish and keeping them. Then one day I saw a cleaner shrimp(yes that was my gateway in lol) and decided I would build a saltwater tank! so here is my current set...
  2. conradryaan

    57 Gallon corner / 20 Long sump

    what kind of ideas are you looking for, I have a 60 gallon corner(;
  3. conradryaan

    Aqua Pro Rimless Aquariums

    drill next to it or call them?
  4. conradryaan

    20 Long Reef Build

    lots to reply to haha. my first tank was a 20 long and I have the aquatic life skimmer. warning: tons of micro bubbles and needs to be only about six inches in the water to work right. so hopefully you will have a sump. also I have a very basic stand with shelve spot for a ten gallon sump...
  5. conradryaan

    crazy cool thing from a noob.

    that is so awesome! my clown hosted my frogspawn when my girlfriend was holding the bearded dragon by the tank. it scared all the fish and my clown dove straight into the frogspawn. now he never leaves it! clowns and whatever they choose to host is one of the coolest things to see!
  6. conradryaan

    Help/advice needed

    you have to make sure that you clean away the previous silicon is gone in order to get the proper seal. LFS have the right silicon but you can usually find it at a hard ware store for cheaper. I can't remember which one to use off the top of my head but a simple google search will tell you. to...