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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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    Easiest way to run carbon

    If you have a sump, look for a fluidized Reactor - Phosban, LifeGaurd, Deltec. They use a small pump and are the most efficient means of carbon use. They all 3 work on the same principal, just have different mechanisms for getting the media in and out with varying degress of effort. Dave B
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    o2manyfish - Skimmer Comparison

    DgasMD, Called Frank this morning, he was a little wary apparently a company tried a comparison with only 4 skimmers and after a year, never published the results and disappeared with his skimmer. He is on vacation at the moment, and is due back next week. I sent him some information. If...
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    o2manyfish - Skimmer Comparison

    Hey Guys, Here are the Model Numbers -- In an effort of fairness I would love it if someone not involved would gather all the stats for the different model skimmers.... Invincible this could be a great Internet Search project for you. I have not been able to confirm an H&S Skimmer yet...
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    o2manyfish - Skimmer Comparison

    Okay Folks..... For anyone that might have challenged my ability to be fair with this comparison.... The Deltec Eheim, which is said to consume only 40w of power is WRONG !!! 58w going to the Deltec... Hey Doug what's the story man, someone in Germany have a problem converting metric to...
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    o2manyfish - Skimmer Comparison

    Techno Update Okay, Got some new toys to add.... So the efficieny of the skimmers can now be easily measured..... Dave B
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    o2manyfish - Skimmer Comparison

    Hey Folks, Solved 1 problem today -- Spent some money and bought a really nice Watt Meter. Digital - Accurate to a 1/10 of a watt. Will post some photos later today. Also allows you to enter a utility rate and will tell you the cost per year to operate.... Anemone, as far as the...
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    o2manyfish - Skimmer Comparison

    Kevin, Given the mass of water, unless we get fire season, not much else affect the system. Rain -- If we get an inch of rain that's about 15g of water with the surface area. On a cold day like yesterday I still evaporated more than that amount - So dilution not an issue. As for...
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    Creating A Biotope

    Scott, It's not that hard -- You know I only keep Chaeto in one of my sumps -- Single species and it does great :) Dave B
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    o2manyfish - Skimmer Comparison

    Ken, I have an amp-meter clamp - But some of these skimmers are drawing less than 1/2 a watt. At that kind of level I don't think a 200amp meter is going to be sensitive enough-- If I am wrong about this plese let me know. Dave B
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    o2manyfish - Skimmer Comparison

    Invinc, Anyone know if the airflow tester can determine which of us is more full of it ? Show a pic of your tank, and I will take a pic of Madison using the airflow tester in front of my tank.... Come on... You can do... Just push the shutter once :) Dave B
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    o2manyfish - Skimmer Comparison

    Zephrant -- Could you please email me --- [email protected] Thank You, Dave B
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    o2manyfish - Skimmer Comparison

    Hey Folks, Sorry for the delay in getting to read all this... Electrical upgrade at the house today so finally got some lights and lan working . If I miss a couple of points or questions - They were just too many to try to respond to, and you were not intentionally ignored :) 1) Invincible...
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    o2manyfish - Skimmer Comparison

    One of the interesting things that came up in a conversation is Skimmers and Pod. Adelaide, of Essential Live Feeds, (whom everyone should hit up to become an RF sponsor !!!) topped off my system with some pods a couple of weeks ago when she was down for the big Frag Swap. My pod population...
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    The lung burning is not really an issue.... a) If you can smell the ozone, then you are not using the ozone, so you need to figure out how so much excess is escaping your skimmer. b) You can smell ozone - Smells like lightning. If your ozone is high enough to smell, then you will get a...
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    o2manyfish - Skimmer Comparison

    It's funny how people each see different things which are important to them for comparison. For me one of the key factors is power consumption. My buddy / Carlos runs an 8' Tall Beckett Skimmer. And he has to run a 3/4hp pump to get it to really perform. I for the past 2...
  16. Pretty Pipes in the Reef

    Pretty Pipes in the Reef

    I have 8 different pipe fish doing really well in my 360 display tank.
  17. Purpl Monster

    Purpl Monster

    True Purple Monster Colony -Growing out in Natural Sunlight.
  18. 360 Display Tank - Stand

    360 Display Tank - Stand

    Here is a shot of the open steel stand my 360 sits on. Single leg is recessed back from the front and the side.
  19. 360 Dislay Tank from End

    360 Dislay Tank from End

    Photo Taken from end of tank on Oct 25
  20. 225 Fish Only Tank

    225 Fish Only Tank

    10 year old Fish Only Tank