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  1. D

    RO water with nitrates??

    I am having a bit of a problem with high nitrate readings in my 300l tank approx 50 ppm and have been trying to reduce this with regular water changes 30l every 2nd or 3rd day. I have managed to reduce this to 25 ppm but by now I have turned over the entire tank volume with water changes. I have...
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    Leather Coral flesh eating slug HELP!!

    You are right, no luck with sucking it off, I blasted off with a powerhead and tried to collect as much as possible with a small net. I have been maintaining a 10% water change daily and it looks like this story will end happily ever after. Thanks for all your input.
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    Leather Coral flesh eating slug HELP!!

    Should the necrotic tissue be cut away with a razor blade or just gently teased off
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    Leather Coral flesh eating slug HELP!!

    Yes polyps are all up parascope!
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    Leather Coral flesh eating slug HELP!!

    I recently purchased a beautiful new toadstool which looked great. It came with a little yellow nudi attached which I thought was a bonus until I noticed the slug was still on the undersurface of the mantle about 5 days later and was apparently eating it's way through the stalk. I have since...