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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. john

    calcium reactor

    well I'am new to the world of send things on a computer other than email and I don't always get that right I tried useing the attachement in post reply I pull up the picture in the browes push the button it seems like something is happening it the take me back to the forum and its not there...
  2. john

    calcium reactor

    well my picture did not attach maybe someone could help me with that first
  3. john

    calcium reactor

    I built this calcium reactor about a month and half ago since hooking it to my tank I have seen no more than a small amout of calcium and dkh above tank values I have tried bubble counts from 10 bpm to 20bpm and drip rates from 20dpm to a steady stream with no better results I am useing an ehiem...
  4. john

