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  1. Pikachu

    Quick Clam Question

    Okay, so I think my maxima is not receiving the light that it really needs, its about 18 inches below the surface of a 175 watt hallide, 20k bulb. The thing is, ive seen clams that recieve not enough light look good and then in a matter of 3 days be gone. I'm afraid my clam might do this!. BUT...
  2. Pikachu

    What kind of shrimp goby

    Becareful! how long has your six-line wrasse been around? they can get a little pushy towards new small fish additions , like a small goby. The wrasse would probably give him a good smack or two.. or more=/
  3. Pikachu

    New Ricordia

    Hey they look nice! the piece on the top left looks like it might have some potential as well;)
  4. Pikachu

    How Do You Eliminate Aiptasia?

    yay for fish=) its 10000 times funner to watch a fish eat versus putting ur whole arm into the tank to reach the spot in the VERY BACK corner on the underside of the rock where the syringe wont be to get into the crack so you move the rock JUST a little bit and all the rest of the rocks come...
  5. Pikachu

    Member of the Month - February 2007

    Sue! Congrats!
  6. Pikachu

    posting full pics?

    Hey nice tank;) what bulb are u running? (sorry if uve been asked that a million times;) ) nice (re)paint (?) with the black !
  7. Pikachu

    Anyone else have a rapid-color-changing blenny?

    This reminds me of the first time i purchased a saltwaterfish. A few years ago, i bought two yellow talbot damsels. I was on my way home got out of hte car and put it onto the kitchen table, a couple minutes later i looked in and they were dark grey! i was like omg they gave me the wrong fish...
  8. Pikachu


    woah! just saw the video.. pretty scary...\ good thing electric pokemon dominate water pokemon;) sigh no worries for me!
  9. Pikachu

    High School Finals

    school sucks. Atleast it sounds like you are smart=) i wish i could say the same for myself=/... 3:16 am and counting... paper due at 1 pm friday... time to get started *takes a sip of his full throttle energy drink;) *looks down at paper *continues surfing reef forums=)
  10. Pikachu

    College Nano ~ 20L REBORN!!!!

    we are looking sweet! nice pictures and nice tank=)
  11. Pikachu

    Blue Tuxedo Urchin

    Would anemones and urchins together be like urchins and softies? where the urchin would likely harm/destroy the softies. Is it the same for anemones(rbtas/lta/carpets)?
  12. Pikachu

    couple videos of my mandarin

    really neat fish! its so cool to watch them hunt.
  13. Pikachu

    new fish order for 1/31

    tongan nassarius snail-200 thems the big'uns Are those just the large snails that look/act like nassarius? How much are they? And are they in any cleaner crew kit or something similar? Thanks.
  14. Pikachu

    dead mexiacan

    LOL. The worstthing about turbos is, when u pull them out of the tank, they always seem to have some dead snail juice still left in the shells .. and it drips onto u, ur clothes, the carpet.. whatever and the smeell sticks around.. haha it sucks good thing i finished lunch a couple hours ago=)
  15. Pikachu

    My 3g work Reef

    Have you thought of getting a shrimp or something? like a fire shrimp or cleaners? or a group of sexy shrimp (they are sweet!) i think it would be a nice addition to ur tank , which should be a suitable size for them. Regardless, the tank still looks nice=)
  16. Pikachu

    dead mexiacan

    The thing is, dead mexican turbos have such a distinct smell.. right away u smell it you know OH DEAD MEXICAN TURBO, almost the same way u think OH FRESH BAKED COOKIES..except one smells goodonesmells bad charlie,waht does sponge smell like!?! thats one thing i havent really smelled =P,skimate...
  17. Pikachu

    Im new

    Welcome to Reef Frontiers!=) hope u enjoy your stay
  18. Pikachu

    dead mexiacan

    you will want to ttripple bag and tie it UNDER the water , it smells so bad. Once u take it out of hte water and u smell it, game over.
  19. Pikachu

    Not Agian!!

    haha extension cords for x-mas, too funny=) i hope ur power stays on! i think i woudl cry if i went through another weeklong blackout