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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. spieszak

    Starting again and over.

    Nearly no activity here now. Checkout Spokane Couer D'Alene Reef society for locals, or the Spokane Saltwater Addicts facebook group for better luck.
  2. spieszak

    135 gal build

    looks great!
  3. spieszak

    Nana's 40B

    Great to see an update. Happy the sand bed stuff has finally gone. Tank looks great! That clam is getting huge!
  4. spieszak

    How do we get new people in Reef Frontiers?

    Hosting costs are covered by sponsors, who are totally awesome and still here because there is still a huge amount of traffic on this site. At some point it seems all those folks that pushed people to search the forums rather than ask the same question over and over again won. LOL
  5. spieszak

    Just when I think I'm out they pull me back in....

    Welcome. 125's are great tanks
  6. spieszak

    On the way to 30K Members

    The massive amount of knowledge stored on this site is pretty amazing
  7. spieszak

    Tie Dye Shrooms at RAP

    I'm not really into shrooms, but that is a stunner
  8. spieszak

    Happy Blue Friday - Ready for NW Frag Fest?

    22 days! Some of the best local vendors will have some of their hottest pieces all in one room, waiting for you to take them home. Going to be a great afternoon of reefing friends, raffles, and an awesome guest speaker, Mark Callahan - Mr. Saltwater tank! I just heard that LRS and Benepets...
  9. spieszak

    Happy Blue Friday - Ready for NW Frag Fest?

    Happy Blue Friday (to someof you that is)! Even happier Payday Friday to you if it happens to fall that way. Don't forget to set a bit aside if you can to bring with you to NW Frag Fest. Its only $5 to get in so that shouldn't cut into your coral buying budget much at all. Lots of great...
  10. spieszak

    Northwest frag fest, coming soon!

    I'm sure there are a bunch of us feeling the post MACNA blues, or the post "I didn't even make it to MACNA" blues. Just a reminder that there is a local event coming up at the end of October, that can maybe chase some of those blues away. Northwest Frag Fest is being held October 27th in...
  11. spieszak

    L@@king at getting back into the hobby

    Glad you back D! Might finally get water in my new one by the end of the month... we can be newbies again together!
  12. spieszak

    Free tank

    looks like a lyretail anthias, and mystery wrasse. No idea that the fish in the sand is. the anthias and wrasse are meat eaters. the wrasse would appreciate pods, but will do ok without. the anthias like lots of feedings, rather than just once or twice a day.
  13. spieszak

    tank plumbing

    Its not that it won't work, its that your entire tank will drain with a power outage.
  14. spieszak

    Long time no see... a picture friendly story

    looking good! Sorry I don't have any great input for you on the plumbing! One suggestion I do have though, is that when you install the lolly column, keep in mind you can box it in with ply, but leave room for the plumbing. Fitted correctly, you could have a removable panel so that you could...
  15. spieszak

    Excited and jumping back into the hobby Spokane people in nearby help

    You need to hook up with the SPCDA. There isn't much activity on this site. Can't go wrong with Aquatic Dreams, Inland Corals or Aquarium Solutions. All great folks.
  16. spieszak

    Discussion of the Week ~ coral feeding~

    Personally, if you can't take the time to list the parameters, i'm not willing to risk giving you advice. 90% of it can be wrong if your numbers aren't known Good luck with your tank
  17. spieszak

    Discussion of the Week ~ coral feeding~

    Leaving food lay on them for more than 20-30 minutes if they aren't actively consuming it isn't a good idea. If parameters are within range, and lighting is ok, and the actual cause is the feeding, then they will be fine. "parameters are great" - if I were coming to visit you from say...
  18. spieszak

    Discussion of the Week ~ coral feeding~

    Its highly unlikely the wrong food is causing your issues. what are you parameters? Alk, Cal, Mg, Nitrate, phoshate