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  1. eliterecon14


    I think it is no ordinary snail/sponge/blob thing it's KIRBY. Or what happens when kirby drowns and gets sucked down down down.............................
  2. eliterecon14

    ways to remove pest anemones without killing them?

    ways to remove pest anemones without killing them, a person I know would love to have one, no care for it so super simple. Any idea how to take it off w/o killing it?
  3. eliterecon14

    Ever hear of aqua cultured Turbo Snails?

    not really escargo lovers, my clonw will just peck at it out of curiosity and leave it alone. I might try to raise a batch of them in a seperate tanke and see if I can trade off or sell them. They are pretty much baby collinista snails, as I learned now. Is there any interest in them? there is...
  4. eliterecon14

    Flashlight fish

    Any sort of fish I have I pair together or group, 2 pajama cards, 2 dmasels, 2 clowns, 3 micro brittles, 5 tube worms
  5. eliterecon14

    Ever hear of aqua cultured Turbo Snails?

    I have a load of baby turbo snails, they are small now but some are about 1/4 square inch. They just were born out of nowhere. Is it possible mine mated and laid eggs?
  6. eliterecon14

    Flashlight fish

    the black thing with pouches, tried to get pic, but didn't work, The one that looks like a cardinalfish. Photoblepharon steinitzi sort
  7. eliterecon14

    Flashlight fish

    Would a flashlight fish be available anywhere, what would the cost be, and would it be fine in my nearly year old tank. I love nearly as much as mandarins.
  8. eliterecon14

    SPS ID

    it is an acroporids for sure I have a similar one, taggin along, more branchy-er thin branches not chunky but everything else same.
  9. eliterecon14

    Fishing snail?

    I have some and they aren't that bad for my tank, i do have some things i have scraped off live rock for a teacher/friend. Like a majano anemone, chunked the rock and got it on a pebble and took it there. They spread like wildfire and I have started to control some of them. The stuff looks nasty...
  10. eliterecon14

    Freeking Awesome Story

    55g and T-5's
  11. eliterecon14

    Freeking Awesome Story

    today I got a gbta, and since it was so small I got it pretty cheap.
  12. eliterecon14

    Freeking Awesome Story

    it has only one row of bubble-like tips and no color on the tantacles that I can tell yet.
  13. eliterecon14

    Freeking Awesome Story

    what's the stalk look like on a manjano? Mine is red/purple.
  14. eliterecon14

    Freeking Awesome Story

    Here's the little guy, he loves small chunks of krill and large flakes, he is growing rapidly.
  15. eliterecon14
  16. eliterecon14
  17. eliterecon14
  18. eliterecon14

    Freeking Awesome Story

    About 5 hours ago I walked into Aquatic Environments, I was looking for the perfect piec of rock. I looked at some base and saw something perfect, then I looked at the premium Fiji rock display. There nestled among a crack was a bubble tip anemone! It has a flourescent green/pinkish stalk, about...
  19. eliterecon14

    Tubastrea Aurea

    Anyone got a polyp for sale?
  20. eliterecon14

    Mantis Shrimp

    I don't like them either, for my reasons one attacked my cousin. Demonic creatures like bristleworms are more of a threat to him