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  1. Scooterman

    What's going on?

    LOL I guess not, boy they sure can spam really fast and other than be a PIA, they can't do much else.
  2. Scooterman

    What's going on?

    He was a spammer, which I banned. We had the spam blocker off temporary to help resolve issues with the forum, being slow to load. I was out of town so wasn't able to reactivate the spam blocker, it should be better now. I'm also upgrading security in the next few days, so that will also help...
  3. Scooterman

    1guydude 300g

    Are you going to bleach your rock or just leave it like that?
  4. Scooterman

    Torch versus Xenia..

    I saw some of that on a discovery show once, man it was brutal! :D
  5. Scooterman

    Krish's Bahamian Photo log

    it doesn't hurt you back to ride in the boat?
  6. Scooterman

    Freaking Blue!!

    if you can get to a computer, this should help, Page 73 from your manual, instructions on adjusting the white balance manually, this is the first step. See attached.
  7. Scooterman

    Freaking Blue!!

    What is the make of your camera and model, I can't tell, they are basically the same methods but each manufacturer puts the controls and buttons different. Try and just adjust the white balance and snap a few shots like that. w/b button
  8. Scooterman

    Freaking Blue!!

    Yes take it off auto, manually adjust the white balance, use a piece of paper to set it, you may need to slow down the shutter speed. It takes practice but very doable. Also use a tripod!
  9. Scooterman

    CFL fuge light burns out in an hour

    Surge protectors do have a life expectancy, over time getting hit with daily surges will wear it out, replace it, it is cheap insurance.
  10. Scooterman

    Zechirian's New NEW 120 in-wall build.

    Wow looking good, very nice work! :jaw:
  11. Scooterman

    Torch versus Xenia..

    Wonder what happens late night with the lights off, I bet it is a battle!:biggrin1:
  12. Scooterman

    The wall of water, bigger and hopefully better

    Agree, they look nice, the lights.
  13. Scooterman

    The wall of water, bigger and hopefully better

    What are you using for the screen top? Any concerns of light loss?
  14. Scooterman

    1guydude 300g

    I did an over the top loop long ago, once I got it tweaked it worked well, I was able to conceal the down pipe. Sand though, you need sand LOL
  15. Scooterman

    The wall of water, bigger and hopefully better

    WOW looking great Stacy, can't wait to see more!!
  16. Scooterman

    Crack in bottom

    You can't repair glass like you can for a car windshield, if there is the tiniest fracture, then under pressure at any given time it can just let go. I'd be scared to invest that much into it and hope it doesn't leak or explode. Just my opinion, I'm not a glass expert.
  17. Scooterman

    So upset with tunze

    I wouldn't keep a PH if it killed fish every so often because it ran backwards, I'd call gripe some though lol
  18. Scooterman

    So upset with tunze

    I'd yank them if you're having that much issues, hope maybe they would help you better.
  19. Scooterman

    Intro post!

    Welcome to Reef Frontiers hope you enjoy the site and If you need anything just post away!!:biggrin1:
  20. Scooterman

    Aquatic Dreams Sold

    Congrats on the sell and moving on to bigger and better, change can be a good thing, also glad to see you stay around to provide some expert advise and just be a part of the Frontiers family!!