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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. StacyS

    Adjusting Alk and Ca

    Okay I mixed up Randy's recipe #1 and I'm ready to adjust my numbers that are currently: PH 7.8 Ca 360 Alk 7.7 Mg 1260 The calculater requires me to add 21.8 oz of mixture to raise my Ca and 4.5 oz to raise my Alk. My question is can I safely add the Alk over a three day period and drip the Ca...
  2. StacyS

    What killed my sea hare?!?

    My sea hares did not do well in my tank due to the flow. The tank must be very calm. They are very cool!
  3. StacyS

    ID Please

    :eek:Lesson learned...put all pretty hitchhikers in the sum until you know what they are! Good thing is my flatworms taste palette has not included my clams, but the fighting conches must of been a favorite. Wish he liked large pistol shrimp! We will bait the trap with another piece of dead...
  4. StacyS

    ID Please

    Oh great...we tossed him back in! We practice catch and release at this house:rolleyes:
  5. StacyS

    ID Please

    Very interesting! That's kind of what we thought he was. I wonder what it came in on? It did not care for the light at all and that probably would explain why we have never seen it and why he showed up in our black trap. It was pretty mad by the time it got back in the tank. Are they all...
  6. StacyS

    ID Please

    Last night my husband and I were attemping another unsuccessful pistol shrimp trapping when this very cool, unfamiliar creature landed in our trap. Any idea what he is and if he is reef safe? Thanks!