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  1. T

    New Salifert Test results

    using Seachem Reef Salt
  2. T

    New Salifert Test results

    i attemped to raise alk by dripping Baking soda last night. when i finished testing tonight my readings went from 8.9(last night) to 8.4 (tonight) Also my ca shifted as well from 485 to 500 without adding any supplement. I'm hoping someone could chime ito help this noob i'm very frustrated...
  3. T

    New Salifert Test results

    hi don, based on the above quote, is it still safe to pick an alk 10 even though the ca is a bit high? (480ppm) If my memory serves me right, when Ca drops Alk rises. If that is true, wouldn't be safer to wait till ca drops to the desired level to balance alk?(about 435). my current alk is 8.96 dkh