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  1. S

    Could it be rust?

    I don't know what caused your issues after the water change but hot water will ruin the DI cartridge very fast if you are running an RO/DI unit. I have also read that hot water tanks do contain more heavy metals than cold water sources.
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    Another Steel Stand!

    Exactly what I was thinking. There is always a chance of an earthquake or other outside force acting on our stands. Without corner bracing you are relying on just a couple inches of material supporting something that weighs a couple thousand pounds. When you gusset the corners together the...
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    Another Steel Stand!

    I don't know if there is a certain size that I would start adding gussets but it sure would make me feel better if I knew there could be no movement side to side putting stress on the welds and with the tubing you are only getting short welds to hold the whole stand together. Stand looks great...
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    Another Steel Stand!

    Jason, Just a thought but with the bigger stands you may want to add some gussets to prevent any side loading of the stand. I know it may be a little overkill but I would definently add some corner gussets.
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    Coral Dips

    Well for SPS I use Revive. It seems to work great. However NO dip will kill AEFW eggs. The Revive will knock the alive FW off the coral but does nothing for the eggs. A QT is the only sure way to not get AEFW into a tank if you are dealing with SPS. Also Revive will kill some smooth skinned...
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    Need more flow... tunze or vortech?

    I haven't checked out the Vortech forum over on RC lately but it was FULL of poor customer service complaints when I was comparing powerheads. This and the noise issue is what made me go with Tunzes. I have been around a couple of tanks with Vortechs and the noise bothered me. I bought used...
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    Excellent service!!

    Just wanted to say how great the customer service is with Barrier Reef, we PM'ed Cy about 9 PM asking about getting a few corals shipped the next day. He was exchanging PM's with me until about MIDNIGHT working out all the details. I needed to have the corals shipped for Saturday delivery...
  8. S

    Is it Ich?

    Good news!!! today the fish looks 100% better. Still has a few spots and some places where the spots were are still discolored but he looks ALOT better! Thanks for all the help and hopefully we have this parasite beat, we will monitor him closely in QT for probably another 6 weeks and see if...
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    Is it Ich?

    Yeah I am ordering some off the internet, just none available local and the order won't be here till next week. The fish does look better after the dip but still has quite a few round white specks that may be ich but he has been in 1.008-1.009 for 6 days now so hopefully in a few more he will...
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    Is it Ich?

    Hard to tell, there was a little sand left in the bucket that we used to dip him in so can't really see anything for sure.
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    Is it Ich?

    We did a dip w/malachite green last night and the fish looks better today but still a lot of spots.
  12. S

    Is it Ich?

    If you click the link he posted it recommends a dip w/methylene blue.
  13. S

    Is it Ich?

    Lee thanks for chiming in, We have another problem now though, we can't find Methylene Blue anywhere local is there another medication we can use? Would just a plain freswater dip help?
  14. S

    Is it Ich?

    Yeah I just hope that it is ich. The spots seem rather large but I have only had ich one other time and it wasn't as bad as this fish has it so I am not sure one way or the other. Has anyone treated for a secondary infection while still in hypo?
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    ATTN Smartphone users....what kind of phone do you have?

    Original I-Phones here and love them. Waiting until Verizon gets the I-Phone to see if AT&T comes out with any better upgrade deals. We will be getting the I-Phone4 when we do upgrade.
  16. S

    Is it Ich?

    Yeah I have read quite a bit on Hypo treatments and have done Hypo before without any issues. I figured this was ICH especially with a Powder Brown tang but was concerned about the larger fuzzier spots. The fish seems extremely healthy and eats anything that hits the water.
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    Is it Ich?

    The fish is in hypo right now. Can I add something for the secondary infection while still in hypo? I am adding vitamin C to his food right now what else can I be doing?
  18. S

    Is it Ich?

    We have a Powder Brown in our QT tank and he was showing signs of what I think is ICH so I lowered the SG to 1.008-1.009 and have had it at that level for about 4 days now. He started showing the spots around 8 days ago. The fish isn't scratching or breathing hard and is eating like a pig...
  19. S

    Which salt mix do you use?

    I/O for my fish QT, and RC for my other tanks. Can get the 200 gallon boxes of RC for $50 with free shipping if you time it right.