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  1. S

    Saving Energy

    That is very cool. I remember seeing pics of your setup and a link or something to where you got the panels from. Do you think you could post that again. I would really be interested in something like this.
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    ATO Auto Topper Contoller

    That should work just fine.
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    ATO Auto Topper Contoller

    I thought the way you had it setup was for the top switch to shutoff your water I didn't know that the bottom float was wired to shut it off also. In that case then you do have an extra safety as well.
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    ATO Auto Topper Contoller

    I am glad that your system has worked for 10+years but you only have one safety. Your upper switch if that fails then you are going to have a flood until your fresh water reservoir is empty. I personally like to have more than one safety built in as I don't like flooding houses. But thats...
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    ATO Auto Topper Contoller

    Also the reason I recommended the JBJ brand is the built in safety setup. It will only run a max of 14 minutes even if the floats are stuck or if they fail. The Autotopoff brand will keep running until you run your storage tank out of water. Also it isn't a good idea to hook straight to a RO...
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    ATO Auto Topper Contoller

    If you are using the Aqua lifter pump then you don't want to use RO tubing it is bigger and the airline tubing will not slip over it. The aqualifter just uses regular airline tubing like what is used with freshwater bubblers and undergravel filters. I just can't remember the size right now...
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    eye surgry

    I have been looking into Lasik as well but just haven't saved up enough to have it done yet. Some of the places I was looking into had a guarantee that it would last if not they would do it again for free.
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    overflow question

    NOT a good idea. You are asking for a flood in this situation. If the pump quits or even just slows down you will have a mess on your hands. I would suggest getting it drilled or even buying a bit and doing it yourself. Bits are pretty cheap at places like
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    ATO Auto Topper Contoller

    Glad I could help. You won't need an antisiphon valve of any sort if you can secure the output of the Aqualifter line (or whatever pump you decide on) above the water in the BioCube that would be the best way to do it. I wouldn't solely rely on an antisiphon valve of any sort.
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    ATO Auto Topper Contoller

    You are correct on putting the floats in the last chamber. I was a little confused on how the BioCubes were put together. The aqualifter should be more than powerfull enough. I use one on my 75 gallon and it pushes water through about 6 feet of tubing not much vertical lift on mine but it...
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    ATO Auto Topper Contoller

    Look at the JBJ ATO units. They consist of the main controller and two float switches with adjustable brackets all for around 80-100$. All the ATO does is turn on whatever pump you have hooked to it. That is why I recommend the AquaLifter because it pumps water at a very slow pace. Another...
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    Upgrade to 180 from 75 on a budget. :)

    Don't buy Korallia's for a tank this size if you want to do SPS. You won't be happy with the flow from them. Also as has been said you can't use them on a controller or timer they will break within a couple of months. The newer Korallia's can be ran on a controller but are pretty spendy for...
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    ATO Auto Topper Contoller

    I don't know anything about the Biocubes but does the water level drop in the "exhaust" area as you called it? I don't see why your plan wouldn't work. You can also use an aqualifter pump that way you only have to run airline tubing up to your tank. Zip Tie the airline tubing above the water...
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    ro vs ro/di

    I have a 5 stage RO/DI unit that was purchased from for $169. It has been working fine for the last 2 years. I just replaced the membrane a couple of months ago but our water pressure and TDS are pretty bad here.
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    Tank at 72 degrees and never looked better

    lvsuckerfish is correct you want two smaller heaters, NOT one bigger heater. If the bigger heater fails on you will cook your tank (which most do.) I would double check you thermometer sounds like it may be off.
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    Taqpol's 120 gallon All in Stand Reef Build

    Exciting news!! House looks like it is really nice and I am sure that you will set up another great tank there.
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    Which controller to buy?

    You have to get Tunzes that are controllable. Some are not and the Apex will not work with them.
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    SANDS 300 Semi-Cubed Build

    The vertical pipes aren't cut to the final length yet. The bottom of the display is abot 32" and the sump that it will be draining into has holes in it at 26". I am going to try and use the holes that are already there but if it won't drain well then I can drill new holes .
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    SANDS 300 Semi-Cubed Build

    Then partially filled the hole with sand then layed 3MIL garbage bags on top of the PVC because I read some articles stating that the concrete may react with the PVC most said that it would not react but thought I would try and protect the pipes as much as I can. I know that some concrete will...
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    SANDS 300 Semi-Cubed Build

    A little more progress was made today. Went to the rental store and got another jack hammer and finished the cut for the plumbing and got the pipes ran.