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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. S

    Is this too much lighting?

    I run 400W halides on my 75 gallon so I would say you don't have too much light.
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    Acrylic aquarium buffing questions.

    I will be tagging along with this as I have an acrylic tank that also needs buffed.
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    Acrylic question.

    Just a quick question. It isn't siphoning back thru the return line is it? Do you have a siphon break that is plugged?
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    RoDi questions

    If you run too hot of water thru the membrane it will ruin it almost instantly.
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    Taqpol's 120 gallon All in Stand Reef Build

    What fish did you order? Also we need pics of the acan.
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    Member of the Month - December 2009

    I guess everyone deserves to be first in something!
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    queen and french?

    What size tank?
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    IS Electricity or voltage in aqaurium harmfull for fishes,inverts or corals

    scottmdebord, sorry for the confusion as well. Most of your smaller powerheads only have the two pronged plug with no ground and that is what I figured we were talking about. If it is a grounded appliance then a GFCI will work great.
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    IS Electricity or voltage in aqaurium harmfull for fishes,inverts or corals

    If you run a grounding probe with a GFCI it allows the GFCI outlet to sense electricity on the ground side of the circuit and trips the outlet. I don't know how a grounding probe without a GFCI will benefit you as the outlet has no way to shut off the power even if there is a piece of equipment...
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    IS Electricity or voltage in aqaurium harmfull for fishes,inverts or corals

    The electricity cannot travel thru the wood stand that the tank is sitting on, it also cannot travel through the walls or floor to make it back to the ground circuit unless there is a probe in the tank. Glass and plastic are not good conductors either. I have heard MANY stories of people...
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    IS Electricity or voltage in aqaurium harmfull for fishes,inverts or corals

    I don't think a GFCI outlet will trip with a piece of equipment leaking inside of the tank unless you have a grounding probe in your tank as well.
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    Holiday party in Montana for our December meeting??

    Lucky you!!! I will be in Alaska. Well have fun!!
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    IS Electricity or voltage in aqaurium harmfull for fishes,inverts or corals

    You can get a meter and start unplugging each piece of equipment that is in your tank until the voltage goes away.
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    55 gal build 2 years in the making

    Water changes wildl help but only if you are using RO/DI water. If you don't use RO/DI then you could be introducing pollutants with your water changes.
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    Can i take my pair of clowns and put them in a tank with no cal/alk?

    Yeah if you keep up on your maintenance you will be ok. Remember to not overfeed.
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    Can i take my pair of clowns and put them in a tank with no cal/alk?

    Are you going to be putting the clowns into the 10 gallon tank? If you do this with no rock in the tank your nitrates, nitrites, amonia, and phospate levels will be impossible to keep low. You need rock in the tank for bacteria to process the waste. Your post isn't really clear so maybe you...
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    pH ?

    We have had the reactor for a long time. I honestly don't remember the last time we checked PH so I can't say if it started after the dehumidifier. PH has only increased two points with the windows open and that isn't a viable option as it is getting cold. The 7.5 reading was a LFS test. My...
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    pH ?

    The PH was checked with a PH probe that was calibrated just moments before checking. It was also checked with a two different test kits and they all read between 7.5 and 7.8 The windows were open today and PH is still only 7.9 with lights ON. We just purchased a dehumidifier a couple of weeks...