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  1. Ilovereef

    just shoowing off

  2. Ilovereef

    Some new fish pics

    I've seen lots of nice fish pictures but the fish in your picturse is so real and live! maybe passion that makes the different? Way to go Brie! keep posting :)
  3. Ilovereef

    just shoowing off

    Beautiful Tank and corals as always. Keep having fun with your cam more and more :D
  4. Ilovereef

    Photos of New Livestock

    Totally agree! BTW, is the multicolor angle reef safe?
  5. Ilovereef

    some pics i took today

    Sweeeeet scoly and rainbow acan. I am drooling here :)
  6. Ilovereef

    270G begining...

    Thank you and it's very nice to meet you too! It's very special for me to have you, Mike and Josheph & his wife visit last night when they were in town. Thanks again :)
  7. Ilovereef

    just shoowing off

    Beautiful! Have to see that chalice in person! Also, Is it the ALT Red Eye cyphastrea in the last 2 pics?
  8. Ilovereef

    Bricky's new Elos......

    Wow, beautiful setup, beautiful fish and corals! Just love the way it looks! Congrat on your new system, Bricky!
  9. Ilovereef

    Some wrasse pics

    Yes, I got granolusa, Tyree PM and Tyree undata when you're out about a couple of years ago. Now they are growing good!
  10. Ilovereef

    Some wrasse pics

    Thanks, Sarang & Randy. Wrasse and anthias are my favorite.
  11. Ilovereef

    Some wrasse pics

    Some pics of new added wrasses..
  12. Ilovereef

    Some SPS macro pics

    Beautiful corals, Greg. Smoking macro shots you have there too :)
  13. Ilovereef

    My 270g Progression Journal

    The caynon setup is a great idea because coral will look so cool growing side way then upward. Hey, With your experience, corals will fill up the pace in no time. Unless you keep cutting them :lol::D
  14. Ilovereef

    My 270g Progression Journal

    Wow! very nice set up. Did you change some rock work? I like the space in the between and it also allows more flow. Imagine all those corals was in the 40. They must be very happy now. Good job Sarang!
  15. Ilovereef

    Member of the month - November 2009

    Congratulation Buddy. You are sure well deserve this and supposed to get this long ago... maybe over qualified? :D :D jkng :) Way to go Sarang!
  16. Ilovereef

    Livestock photos 10/30

    Beautiful Corals and fish but the camera skill is even more impressive! I love those angle fish pics but I think the dragon face ones are the best! For a moment I forgot it's just the picture. Thanks Brie, for posting.
  17. Ilovereef

    Special Requests?

    Wow, can't wait to check those out!
  18. Ilovereef

    125 Gallon Walkaround

    Very Cool and good looking tank. Keep up the good work and posting your progress :)
  19. Ilovereef

    Special Requests?

    ventralis anthias or binaculatus anthias?
  20. Ilovereef

    OCD Reefer's New 50 gallon Tank Thread..

    Hey, very nice tank there. I like the arrangement and coral growing pattern. Acan color look really good to. You must have very good and stable chemistry. Keep up the good work, buddy.