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  1. Ilovereef

    April Tank of the Month

    Beautiful tank and lovely setup. I can see lots of thoughts, lots of works and surely lots of passion in there. Very nice RF fellows too! Congratulation to you two :)
  2. Ilovereef

    Jayson & Thi-Le's Reef

    Wow, great setup and very nice looking. I like the lighting aproach and rock work. You have all everything there to grow out a cool reef system. Keep up the good work!
  3. Ilovereef

    Midnight Madness Sale March 2nd

    Love this themed sale event. Last time it was fun and relax… The theme was like some kind of marine life night club… made me feel like going out at night and nice to meet up with reefer fellows there :)
  4. Ilovereef

    270G SPS Rear views and random shots...

    Thanks, Cy :) Steven, Thank you for asking but sorry that I lost that beautiful blue mili durring the time of transfering back there from my old 150G to this tank. Nice to hear from you again. I's been for a long time :)
  5. Ilovereef

    270G SPS Rear views and random shots...

    Thanks again every one for you nice words. Hello Michael, good to hear from you and hope to see you around over here sometime. Say hi to Angie and Madison for me. Thanks again and happy reefing :) Thang.
  6. Ilovereef

    270G SPS Rear views and random shots...

    Thanks, everyone :) Hello there. It's a long time. How've you been? Nice to hear from you two again.
  7. Ilovereef

    270G SPS Rear views and random shots...

    Have time playing with my camera durring the holidays... Rear views and the reflection... Angle and random shots...
  8. Ilovereef

    Ilovereef 270 galons SPS new look

    Thanks, for asking Here's some quick spec: Cal 380-420 Alk 9-12 PH 7.8-8.0 Mg ~1300 Sal 1026 The tank is 270galons 24h x 27d x 96L. 5 x 250w metal halide SE with all old style icecap ballast. 2 x 72" VHO atinic. 125g sum. chiller 1/3 hp. WM AS300 skimmer. 2 chambers cal. reactor...2 tunze 6105...
  9. Ilovereef

    Ilovereef 270 galons SPS new look

    Thanks a lot Dang, Mike and everyone for your very nice comments :) Dang: yeah the titanium is still my favorite one, started out with that 1" single stick from you a few years back threre :)... and others too... just name it... the hycinthus, strawberry field, strawberry patch, setosa...
  10. Ilovereef

    Ilovereef 270 galons SPS new look

    Thanks, Ipisces. It's an Ausie:) Thanks trido. Good to hear from you again. :)
  11. Ilovereef

    Ilovereef 270 galons SPS new look

    And lastly :)
  12. Ilovereef

    Ilovereef 270 galons SPS new look

    Reaquacaved a few months ago... Corals picked up new growth and color...
  13. Ilovereef

    OUM's tank ,,,showing off

    I am doing fine. You are more than wellcome to my place anytime and don't forget to bring the camera. LOL!
  14. Ilovereef

    OUM's tank ,,,showing off

    Master pieces of reeftank pics as always, Dang. Glad to see you still around on RF with lots of eye candies again :)
  15. Ilovereef

    5th Anniversary Sale!

    Wow, this year is a big one! why not on the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th... ones and so on, right?
  16. Ilovereef

    New Water Testing Policy

    Darn! I should have brough my watter in last week for testing!!! Just kidding... LOL Anyway, I actually feel better that way and rather to pay $1 per parameter testing than coming to your store doing nothing but asking for free water testing... Back there I was in doubt with my system and sent...
  17. Ilovereef

    Ilovereef's 270 two years update (picture heavy :))

    Thanks again Cy, Michael, Todd, Ipieces and everyone for you nice words :) I have learned tons of things here since day one... RF surely is a sweet cradle for that many reef/fish tanks in the community. I am glad to be able to stay in the hobby by far and to be part of this place. Happy reefing :)
  18. Ilovereef

    Ilovereef's 270 two years update (picture heavy :))

    Thanks again Mike and every one :) Good to hear from you Dan. Wish I would have time to visit your tank and your family one of these day :)