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  1. Ilovereef

    just shoowing off

    Inredible color... Do they have name?
  2. Ilovereef

    To those who have a piece of Sunset Monti from Dang.... And some oldies :)

    It's very nice to meet you and your wife last Saturday, Dave. :) Thang.
  3. Ilovereef

    Photos/Listing of new LA shipment

    Wow! What are those acros? that sounds really something... too bad that I was too busy on Monday...
  4. Ilovereef

    SPS grow (pictures heavy:))

    I agree it your picture and my avatar look very alike... Anyway, that avatar picture is over a year and half old or so... here are the most recent pictures of if and some close up for you reference...
  5. Ilovereef

    SPS grow (pictures heavy:))

    It's Tyree LE Purple Monster. :)
  6. Ilovereef

    SPS grow (pictures heavy:))

    Thanks Mal1099 for bringing this couple of months old to the top and for your nice words :) Thanks, Dan. Haven't seen or heard from you for a long time. Assumed everything's going good from you end :) Yes, at least 90% of sps were from frags and some were from frag of a frag :)
  7. Ilovereef

    just shoowing off

    Sweet Romell. Love the color. Beautifull coral you have there - Dang.
  8. Ilovereef

    125 progression thread

    NICE, Adam! Beautiful tank, Sweet corals and great camera skill :)
  9. Ilovereef

    A whole new dimension!!!

    Very nice picture of Phil's granulosa :) Everything looks great and healthy!
  10. Ilovereef

    Favorite Coral in your tank

    My favorite SPS and LPS :)
  11. Ilovereef

    SPS grow (pictures heavy:))

    Thanks, Greg :) Anytime. Just let me know :)
  12. Ilovereef

    Photos of new arrivals for 5-11

    I have seen that stranger yesterday in person. Looks very cool and unique... never seen any SPS like that before... very high protential.
  13. Ilovereef

    SPS grow (pictures heavy:))

    Thanks, Todd. Both Pink millie and Red selago table I started from a single 1" stick about more than 2 years ago... Trim them many times though...
  14. Ilovereef

    SPS grow (pictures heavy:))

    It's on the other post exact same name. I messed up :D
  15. Ilovereef

    Salsakings new 700 gallon jaccuzi! lol 700 Gallon Reef system

    Wow, impressive! it's the largest reef system I have seen in the area! Looks like corals are growing strong with some huge XLarge size colonies. Very nice!
  16. Ilovereef

    SPS grow (pictures heavy:))

    Thanks, everyone for looking and for your nice comments:) I moved everything to the big tank not too long after that. Hope the sump works out good for you :)
  17. Ilovereef

    SPS grow (pictures heavy:))

    Hey, Thanks buddy :) your 270 will be growing out big someday..
  18. Ilovereef

    SPS grow (pictures heavy:))

    Too many pics.... Messing up with posting and end up with 2 thread... oops :)
  19. Ilovereef

    SPS grow (pictures heavy:))

    quick finger and end up with 2 identical postes... sorry :)