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  1. Ilovereef

    Let's See Some Zoos!

    Not realy into zoo before but just added this to the tank:
  2. Ilovereef

    Favias and the Brain

    Wow, lots of eye candies in this thread. Awsome corals everyone. Luisse, your rainbow wellso is just amazing! I have to see it in person when I have a chance to go by your area. Maybe when you have your new tank up and running and definately that's a must see tank. :)
  3. Ilovereef

    just shoowing off

    Wow, Dang. What a art work! What kind a flash is that?
  4. Ilovereef

    Tank update Lots of pics :)

    thank you all for viewing and for the nice comments. That's ORA Hawkin's echinata.
  5. Ilovereef

    Awesome Tuamota Maxima Clams

    I agree with Brie that it sad to see thousand of beautiful clams got eaten. but maybe it's the closest and easiest source of protein for the local there... plus they don't have a good export industry or foreign buyers around (otherwise clams are all gone!). I guess a local guy would be very...
  6. Ilovereef

    Photos of New Arrivals

    Awsome pictures as usual. The scolies and favia are definately ultra spieces.
  7. Ilovereef

    270G begining...

    Hey Thor and guys, Sorry to miss out these questions. It's way too busy for me before the hollidays with work. Anyway, in the last month, I started to try some Brightwell products like microbacter7 and bio-fueland (or vodka) and see some positive sight. Water is more clear and algea is...
  8. Ilovereef

    40 Gallon Breeder (photo heavy)

    Beautiful tank, beautiful corals and great pictures! Keep up the good work :)
  9. Ilovereef

    Tank update Lots of pics :)

    Interesting. Nice to know that. I wish I was having time for that too. Barely make time for RF lately beside the tank :)
  10. Ilovereef

    Tank update Lots of pics :)

    Thanks a lot everyone for looking and for your nice comments! :) What's r2r?
  11. Ilovereef

    Tank update Lots of pics :)

    White is new the grow tip. I't pink though..
  12. Ilovereef

    Tank update Lots of pics :)

    Nice to have some extra time for the tank during holiday break. Taken lots of pics. It's been 4 moths plus in since moved to the new tank. Corals are growing and gaining back some color..
  13. Ilovereef

    Photos from the BR Elos tank

    Great pictures as always and the bottom two are just real pieces of art! Thanks, for sharing :)
  14. Ilovereef

    A. selago frag

    If you mount it horizontally under strong current and light. Chance is it will grow out as a cool flat table.
  15. Ilovereef

    just shoowing off

    SWEEET! I gotta tell Santa about it :badgrin::badgrin:
  16. Ilovereef

    PCFishman's 40B - LPS

    Hey, those acans is nothing................................................................................ but TREASURE!!! Congrat on the BRA's ReefOfTheMonth too! Way to go Phil!
  17. Ilovereef

    my new tank!!!

    Aaaah! Too much of eye candies. My eyes hurt while I am drooling :D :D. Grow those out and you'll be rich! just don't forget me by then :D :D Anyway, awsome colection of LPS and you are doing a great job keeping them. Oh, and good pictures too. Way to go Luisse25! Happy reefing!