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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. M

    1/4" tubing like is on RO units

    Lowes and Homedepot only carry the clear stuff in our area. I need at least 25 feet in blue, black, or yellow.
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    1/4" tubing like is on RO units

    Can someone tell me where I can purchase the 1/4" color tubing )blue or yellow) in Seattle or Portland like comes on calcium reactors or reverse osmosis units. I can only find clear in my local area.
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    Sea Swirl

    On the newer models you can rotate clockwise until you get the angle you want. But on the older model you can not. I do not know the exact time when they changed them.
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    1" metric to 1" US PVC

    I have an Ocean Runner 6500. It looks like the outlet is 1" metric male. Does any know of a place that stocks metric PVC or other pipe so I can conver to us typical US PVC.
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    Need help with Chiller Info

    I have seen the tradewin chiller in LA. A number of wholesalers use them. I am going to acquire a 1/2HP Aqualogic dropin for my 300 gal. The Tradewind and aqualogic seem similar. A number of local stores claim that the aqualogic are the more reliable. But, that is heresay, not necessarily...
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    Modifying Nautilus Skimmer

    You could use a needle wheel pump like a sedra or another brand. I was thinking of trying it but never had the time. However, by the time you buy the pump, you may just as well buy another skimmer.
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    Silencer For Air Input To Protein Skimmer

    Do you know of any stores or medical supply places that sell them?
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    Silencer For Air Input To Protein Skimmer

    Looking for opinions or experiences for the design of a silencer to place on an ASM G-4 Skimmer air input. I have been trying to make my G-4 as quiet as possible. Some people put cotton in a small plastic enclosure on the end of the tube. Would love to leverage the experience of someone who...
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    Algae Magnets

    3/4" acrylic. 334 gal
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    Algae Magnets

    Before I dive into buying algae magnets, I lwould like to get input on the advantages of each brand and the experience others have had with them. I am very interest in the Tiger Shark and also the Magnavore. If you can share your experiences, I would greatly appreciate it.
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    Deltec TS1060S Experience

    Does any one in this forum have direct experience with the Deltec TS1060S skimmer? I am particularly interested in how quiet it is and how effective. Thanks in advance.
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    Introducing my new skimmer - Deltec APF600

    Mtndewman: Why are you considering getting rid of the Deltec Turbo 1250? I am considering the next larger size. Is the 1250 quiet and effective? Did you buy it locally? I have heard good things about the performance, but see post ocassionally questioning the build quality. I am trying to...
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    padding under acrylic tanks? / silicone question?

    Has anyone seen a tank manufacturer recommend using foam under the tank on a website? I have heard some store recommend it, but never have seen the recommendation in print from a tank manufacturer.
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    Deltec Turbo 1060 or 1250 Skimmer

    Is the Deltec 1060 more quiet than the equivalent euroreefs or ASM G4. I have a G4 and it seems a little noisy. Also, I noticed that the 1060s requires less power than the 1060 which doesn't seem logical. fishermann, how long have you had yours and did you buy from a local dealer or the US...
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    In-line vs Drop in Chillers?

    What are the prices and who sells the drops. Any locally in Washington State.
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    Deltec Turbo 1060 or 1250 Skimmer

    Does anyone have experience with either of these Deltec skimmers. They are so much smaller than the Euroreef or ASM. I am consider selling my new ASM G4 because it is too large for the space in my sump. Before I do something stupid, I want to hear from someone who has experience with either...
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    Great stores in your area

    Ya. Pick up some items at Premium Aquatics. I have done business with them for the past few years. But the next time, I plan to checkout the other suggestions, may trade with some of the locals if I know who had interest.
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    Aquarium Stands Constructio Reference Data

    What brand of foam insulation sheets do you use? Where do you get it? Do any of the acrylic tank manufactures have specification for it or a recommended brand.
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    Aquarium Stands Constructio Reference Data

    Hi: I have seen large acrylic tanks (300+) on anything from 3/4" plywood, to 1 1/2 in plywood, to styrofoam on plywood, to the tank on the basic frame on 2 foot centers. Since I am settingup a 300, I am trying to determine the best base between the tank and stand. Thanks!!!!!!!!!
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    Aquarium Stands Constructio Reference Data

    Some folks talk about placing a 1/2" styrofoam sheet between the tank bottom and the plywood top. I have seen a number of stores that use this approach. Doesn't quite make sense to me, but they claim it reduces the stress due to the variation is surfaces. Anyone out there who has done this...