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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. Fragman

    Todd: I don't know if you still have that chiller or not? I told you that I would take it, and...

    Todd: I don't know if you still have that chiller or not? I told you that I would take it, and I meant it but was not able to get over there to pick it up. If you still have it and want to sell it, I can arrange to have my daughter pick it up today , Tomorrow or sometime this week. She is...
  2. Fragman

    My First 75 Gallon Adventure!!!

    Lookin Good! Peter: You are off to a great start with the new tank. I think that the Green and Red Cap combo looks good now and is going to just be spectacular as they grow together. Paul
  3. Fragman

    PSAS event - Frag Swap - September 20th 2008

    Frags to swap or trade I'm going to bring frags of these: (2) Cali-Tort $25 or Trades (3) Purple Formosa Staghorn 1"-$20, 2"-$25, 3"-$35 or trades (2) Red Ricordias $30 or trades (2) Super Yellow Turbinaria 1" to 1.5" $20
  4. Fragman

    PSAS event - Frag Swap - September 20th 2008

    True Percs Anyone? I am planning to bring a couple of pairs of my 6 to 8 month old True Percula Clown babies. $20ea. PM me to reserve a pair. Parents below I open to trades too! See ya Saturday
  5. Fragman

    CHILLER QUESTION - sl-300-a

    Tracy you are taking the wrong approach with your wife and the Pool Chiller. You are not trying to cool your tank, you are trying to heat the pool more efficiently to save more money to buy her stuff and to make her more comfortable in the pool. Come on wipe that smile off of your face, you...
  6. Fragman

    dang bashing, and other 4 letter words :)

    Long time No Bashing! And it feels Good! I have enjoyed being free of these pests for about six months now and I too have a quarantine procedure in place. It is not as elaborate as yours but it has worked. KNOCK ON WOOD! My wish is that all reefers were #1 knowledgeable about these pests...
  7. Fragman

    Dual Calcium reactor

    You might try using some Vasoline to stop the leak. I used that on a Protein skimmer once and it did the trick. Its not water soluable. Paul
  8. Fragman

    Fragmans Tank

    Ya, I was lucky to be able to save any of it after 48 hours in shipping. Ya gotta love those "Overnight" guarantees. The Idaho grape's color has returned and grows about a 1/4 inch or more per month. I even have one 1.5 frag available! Whooo Hoooo!
  9. Fragman

    Fragmans Tank

    Here are a couple of current shots Help this stuff is growing out of my tank! Mr. Squirty is getting BIG! Notice the 3" crocea about six inches to the right,directly behind the blue damsel. Somebody needs to come get some of this stuff! Its growing out of the tank. I think...
  10. Fragman

    ~~PSAS Anual BBQ Fundraisor, June 21st at Penny's Salsa~~

    I'm also going to bring some 6 month old True Percs (Onyx) if anyone is interested.
  11. Fragman

    ~~PSAS Anual BBQ Fundraisor, June 21st at Penny's Salsa~~

    I'm bringing some FREE large pieces of Red Lava Rock (8 or 10) and some SHOW pieces of dead Coral. You know the kind that they decorate the doctor's office Aquariums with. I've got a whole box of this stuff that you can have for FREE.
  12. Fragman

    Ed: How is the tank doing? How are the Clowns? Did you get any Tans yet? Paul

    Ed: How is the tank doing? How are the Clowns? Did you get any Tans yet? Paul
  13. Fragman

    Paul Hamby's Aquascaping 101 class...

    Ed: Two or three Rabbit Fish in addition to the Tang Farm may be needed. Orange Spot, Golden or Scribbled will all do the job eating that stuff. Your tank is certainly large enough to handle the extra fish.
  14. Fragman

    crabs and treating red bug

    What kind of crabs are you talking about? Acro Crabs are going to die but not necessarily any of the others. Most hermit crabs go into a coma and then recover a few days later. I have not overdosed and had about an 80% or better survival rate with hermit crabs. I have dosed 12 or 15 times. Paul
  15. Fragman

    Paul Hamby's Aquascaping 101 class...

    Ed: Where are those Tangs we talked about? If the tank has cycled, I want you to get some herbivores in there to keep the algae from taking over again. I remember when I met you like 5 years ago, and you had 7 large Tangs in your 90 gallon tank. They called it the "Tang Farm" if I'm not...
  16. Fragman

    Baby Bengais get a new home

    Lucky Bastard! I think that nature is pretty set in her ways on this one, The guy is stuck holding the eggs. I don't believe that your female is carrying the eggs. My wife refuses to mow the lawn not because she can't do it, but because it is MY JOB. My Bengais certainly take a break, I'm...
  17. Fragman

    PSAS Club Elections 2008-2009

    I nominate Ed Hahn for VP. He has done a great job and has the energy and follow-through that the CLUB desperately needs! Thanks for all that you have already done! Paul
  18. Fragman

    Baby Bengais get a new home

    Bangai advise Kannin: You won't need the Rotifers. These little guys are pretty good sized compared to say clownfish babies. They are all over freshly hatched brine shrimp! The movement of something alive is what I think attracts them. It may take a while to get them onto other foods...
  19. Fragman

    Baby Bengais get a new home

    The Nano at almost 4 months The Bengais are 4 months old and the 12 gallon Nano has been set up for almost 3.5 months. The Bengais love to hang out in the Green tree coral on the right side of the tank now. They are basically small adults. The nano is approaching capacity with the following...
  20. Fragman

    ~~Aprlil 19th, Bob Moore "Pay it forward" Frag Swap~~

    Not that I'm an Attorney, I'm not! But I considered the Liability to be all mine. It was my house. I carefully considered the question for about 8 seconds and then made the decision. We didn't serve minors, and everyone behaved. I'm not going to live my life in fear. Via La Margarita Machine!