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  1. Fragman

    Interceptor dosage?

    I have treated for red bugs several times in two different systems. DO THE TREATMENT AT LEAST TWICE! I have never seen it work in my tanks or several other friends systems when only done a single time. Wait two weeks and nuke em again! If you are going to the trouble of killing them then do...
  2. Fragman

    Some new pictures from Dang's tank

    Come on lets see the shots with the red bugs munching out!
  3. Fragman

    My Latest Pics

    Chuck: It looks like you need a Purple Formosa Frag. I've got one for you. Paul
  4. Fragman

    Flying Saucer Echino Sighting

    Matt: Tyree called that an echinophylia echinoporides if I am remembering correctly. He has it listed as one of his many limitted additions. Paul
  5. Fragman

    The cube is back!!

    Wow, That looks Great! I can't wait to see it completed. Please keep the pictiures coming. Paul
  6. Fragman

    AGGGGGH!! FedEx

    FedEx Sucks! I had a similar thing happen a year ago. $650 worth of Clams and corals that I sent to a guy in Texas via FedEx. I paid for the insurance. They sent the package to a different state and said well you'll get it tomorrow to the receiver. He knew that the package was insured so he...
  7. Fragman

    VHO Bulbs Group Order

    I ended up with 4 extra URI 50/50 VHO's that are 46.5 inches long that are still available. These are $22ea. While they Last!
  8. Fragman

    PM monster look alike traded at PSAS Frag Swap.

    Ed: My frag is still purple, I havn't seen the polyps out in the daytime yet. I may take a peak tonight when the lights go out :) Paul
  9. Fragman

    IO Salt Anyone?

    I purchased 20 buckets of Instant Ocean Salt (160gal.) in order to get a good price. I still have 6 buckets available if anyone wants some. $33 each. no tax. Paul:) Pick up in Renton
  10. Fragman

    ~~10/21/06 Frag Swap at Salsa Factory~~

    I would like to take on your browned out tri-color for $25. Please bring it to the meeting. Paul
  11. Fragman

    VHO Bulbs Group Order

    I'll check in the morning and see if my order shipped like it was supposed to. I can get a good price on that bulb but to get free shipping I need to order $400 worth at a time. If my order didn't ship then I'll see if they will add it. It probably won't happen but I'll try. Paul
  12. Fragman

    VHO Bulbs Group Order

    Mike: I placed the order earlier today, Sorry! Paul
  13. Fragman

    VHO Bulbs Group Order

    Last Call for Bulbs! I'm placing the order SOON!
  14. Fragman

    LFS in Tacoma

    If you are going to be in town next Saturday you should consider attending the PSAS Frag Swap in Auburn. Thats 20 minutes from Orting. Meet some local reefers, check out one of the nicest systems in the state, and see lots of corals that aren't at the local fish stores. The really good stuff!
  15. Fragman

    VHO Bulbs Group Order

    Vicki, I believe that the brand on the T5s is Current USA as that is what the part number indicates on my last invoice.
  16. Fragman

    VHO Bulbs Group Order

    T5 Bulb Prices The T5s come in 10k and Actinic 460nm in both NO=normal output and HO=high Output. Length / Watts .... ..... 10k ........... Actinic-460nm 24" HO-24Watt .......... 14.00 ........ 14.50 24" NO-14Watt ........... 9.00...
  17. Fragman

    VHO Bulbs Group Order

    I will get the T5 pricing Tomorrow morning.
  18. Fragman

    ~~10/21/06 Frag Swap at Salsa Factory~~

    Mike< Ya that was fun, I'm glad you are enjoying the new corals. The clowns are True Percs. Don't order "Black Percs" sight unseen or you will be in for a surpise as they look completely different. Paul
  19. Fragman

    VHO Bulbs Group Order

    I'm going to order 12 bulbs myself. If I get enough responses by Monday to hit the free shipping number, I'll order the bulbs right away and have them for the Frag Swap on Saturday!
  20. Fragman

    VHO Bulbs Group Order

    It is time again to order URI VHO bulbs! I need to have at least 25 bulbs in order to get free shipping from my supplier. If you are interested let me know. The prices are listed below and include frieght and tax. I'm not going to order anything longer than 48" this time as they charge extra...