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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. The R/C Man

    November's Meeting

    Info is posted in the "Club Meeting" sticky thread!
  2. The R/C Man

    Club meetings

    Meeting November 15th! Hello Everyone! The plan is to have our November meeting on Saturday the 15th so keep that day open on your calendars. If you don't already know we have a permanent location for the club meetings if we are unable to find a host. If you would like to host this month...
  3. The R/C Man

    Club News

    Update: 1. We now have our first official paying family membership on the books! 2. The clubs officers are now more than just myself. We have found a volunteer for vice president. 3. The club still needs a secretary and a treasurer. If you would like to volunteer please let me know. The work is...
  4. The R/C Man

    Meeting and News!

    The meeting Saturday night went well and I would like to extend my appreciation to Joanne for letting us hold the meeting at her place. Although the meeting wasn't too structured we discussed plywood tanks as a cheap alternative to glass and acrylic for the DIYer. Basically it was about being...
  5. The R/C Man

    Meeting and News!

    You are right they get set free! Weeeeee.....
  6. The R/C Man

    Meeting and News!

    Hey Peter! Don't worry you haven't missed anything.... I have been absolutely slammed with work and school and have not sent it out yet..... ( I wish I could access gmail at work) On that note, it is this Saturday at 7pm. I will type up the e-mail while at work and send it home so I can get it...
  7. The R/C Man

    Overflow and Pumps

    To make it simple and to save money I incorporated the refugium into the sump. I have done this with my small tank and my large tank. The attached picture shows the large tank but the principle is the same. Water enters one side of the sump/fuge flow to the other and back to the display. Very...
  8. The R/C Man

    Meeting and News!

    More News... As of right now the club is in the process of acquiring a P.O. Box. Until then, if you would like to mail a check for you annual club dues please send me a PM and I will give you my home address. Please make the checks payable to the: Spokane Reef Society. As a side note, if you do...
  9. The R/C Man

    Meeting and News!

    Hey Guys! Not a problem! The permanent meeting place will be for a few reasons. First, as you mentioned, we don't have to struggle to find a place to hold the meetings. Second, we will have access to a screen and projector which will allow for better presentations. Third, we will be able to...
  10. The R/C Man

    Club News

    Starting after the October meeting, all future news will be kept in this thread. This should make them easy to find and keep the board less cluttered. To be put on the club mailing list and to recieve specific club information please send an e-mail to: [email protected]
  11. The R/C Man

    Club meetings

    Starting with the November meeting, all future times and dates will be kept in this thread. This should make them easy to find and keep the board less cluttered. To be put on the club mailing list and to recieve specific club information please send an e-mail to: [email protected]
  12. The R/C Man

    Meeting and News!

    Hello All! We now have set place to hold our October meeting. For everyone on the mailing list, directions and other info will be on its way soon. Club news: I have been calling around to locate a place we can hold meetings at other than individual's houses. Initially I was expecting...
  13. The R/C Man

    Octobers SRS Meeting.....

    Hey everyone! October's meeting is going to need a gracious host. If you would like to open up your home to a meeting please send me an e-mail or PM.... Greg
  14. The R/C Man

    Meeting this weekend!!!!!

    Hello Everyone! Matt and Anna have graciously opened up there house for this months meeting. So clear you calendar for Saturday the 16th at 7pm. For directions to their house please send me an e-mail and I will get you on the mailing list. See you there! Greg
  15. The R/C Man

    Spokane Reef Society Meeting for July is canceled

    I hope you can make it also. :) My back is actually doing really well and I can move around pretty good. The pain seems to be gone for the most part except for when I try to do some awkward movements. I must say I am excited. It will be nice to be involved in sports and other physical...
  16. The R/C Man

    Spokane Reef Society Meeting for July is canceled

    Hey! I am trying to keep them around the 15th of the month or so. So August 16th is going to be the target date... :)
  17. The R/C Man

    Spokane Reef Society Meeting for July is canceled

    Thanks! I will still be in my brace until at least the 29th, but I seem to be healing well so far. :-)
  18. The R/C Man

    Spokane Reef Society Meeting for July is canceled

    For those of you that do not know, I recently had back surgery. Therefore I am unable to hold a meeting this month. However, August looks looks like a go. More to follow.
  19. The R/C Man

    Spokane Reef Society Club Meeting 14 June

    I will add you right now. :-)
  20. The R/C Man

    Spokane Reef Society Club Meeting 14 June

    Hi Ronda! I will put you on the mailing list!