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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. The R/C Man

    Spokane Reef Society Club Meeting 14 June

    What - Spokane Reef Society Club Meeting When - This Saturday the 14th of June at 7pm Where – Aquatic Dreams in Spokane Topics – A popular reef fish species (TBD) and its compatibility in our aquariums - SPS coral species and its place in our reef tanks - Tips on getting the most use out of...
  2. The R/C Man

    Spokane Reef Society Meeting 17 May @ 7pm.....

    Hello Everyone! This weekend Saturday the 17th at 7pm we are having another great meeting. The meeting will be held at Inland Ocean ( ) in Hayden Idaho so clear your calendars for this one. One topic will be on the wonder reef fish species Anthiinae. The...
  3. The R/C Man

    Hey Ed! I was wondering if you could send me your by-laws. I would love to get our club into...

    Hey Ed! I was wondering if you could send me your by-laws. I would love to get our club into official status... :-) Thanks! Greg
  4. The R/C Man

    I want to join...

    Thanks Kevin! I don't check the sites very often.
  5. The R/C Man

    Thank You Matt

    I also would like to thank Matt and his wife for allowing us into their home. His tank is inspiring to everyone. We are looking forward to seeing a larger tank from you in the future Matt! :-)
  6. The R/C Man

    Meeting this weekend, the 12th of April!!!!

    Hey Everyone! April's meeting will be this weekend, Saturday the 12th at 7pm. The meeting is being hosted by Matt Riener. His 180 gallon tank is SPS dominated with a sprinkling of LPS, encrusting and soft corals. The tank also contains approximately 27 fish. See you all there! The e-mail will...
  7. The R/C Man

    March's meeting is set for the 15th at 7pm

    Bump! Don't forget to bring your camera......
  8. The R/C Man

    Eductor for skimmers?

    I am interested to see how this works out for you.
  9. The R/C Man

    Eductor for skimmers?

    Ok cool! So where does the benefit come in for a skimmer? Increased volume and less velocity mixed with air = what? More air to water contact time or the ability to run a larger skimmer all together?
  10. The R/C Man

    Eductor for skimmers?

    After looking at the design of an eductor I would worry about it clogging without some serious prefiltering.
  11. The R/C Man

    Eductor for skimmers?

    An eductor speeds up the water flow correct? Is the idea to better aerate the water? Also where is the air being injected? I am trying to picture this in my head. :-)
  12. The R/C Man

    plans for my sump refugium

    It may be to late but why make the refugium on the side? For less water flow? If you where to use the center area you will almost double the fuge space. (more plants = more nutrient export)
  13. The R/C Man

    Ideas on DIY R/O unit

  14. The R/C Man

    Acrylic Thickness

    Hey! I built my 375 (96x30x30) using 3/4" acrylic. You would probably be fine with 1 1/4". If money is an issue you can go thinner on the sides and bottom. As mentioned, why so tall? You are never going to be able to get to the bottom. It will look cool though. :-)
  15. The R/C Man

    March's meeting is set for the 15th at 7pm

    Hey Everyone! It's that time again to get your reefing fix! This upcoming meeting will be held at Jean-Paul's house in Post Falls Idaho. He has a beautiful 360 gallon display tank with both LPS and SPS corals. Don't miss it! E-mails will go out soon with the directions. If your not on the...
  16. The R/C Man

    Spokane Reef Society Meeting Feb. 9th in Palouse WA

    The meeting last night was a good one! Tracy and Patrick are great hosts and their tank is one to emulate. Although we didn't have an official topic there was plenty of discussions about reef related topics as well as everything else under the sun. :-) I wanted to stay longer. Thanks again guys...
  17. The R/C Man

    Spokane Reef Society Meeting Feb. 9th in Palouse WA

    Hey All! The meeting is this Saturday the 9th at 5pm in Palouse WA. If we have a major snow storm or the roads are not safe the back up date will be the 23rd. For those of you who have sent an e-mail to me at [email protected] will receive directions to the meeting tomorrow. See you...
  18. The R/C Man

    My 300----- the Rebuild

    Hey Charlie! Looking good. But ummm, where is the sand? :rofl:
  19. The R/C Man

    Spokane Reef Society Meeting in Palouse WA

    Hey Everyone! Tracy & Patrick have been kind enough to invite us all out to their place for the next meeting. It is a little bit of a drive however as it is in Palouse. If you are willing to make the drive (I am) please make a post so we can get an idea of attendees. Thanks!
  20. The R/C Man

    Where will our February meeting be held?

    Hi Everyone! Well I have a potential place for our next meeting but it is still up in the air as of right now. So If anybody would like to host the next meeting please step forward and say "I". Also please do not feel obligated to give a speech or anything because you are hosting, we will take...