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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. The R/C Man

    375 Gallon Project Under Way

    Took some work but here is an unfinished pic of the sump. I have made a cover for the top left to reduce noise and salt creap. I have also added rails for probes and will be adding a rail for three Ebo Jager heaters... I will post a pic when it is completed...
  2. The R/C Man

    375 Gallon Project Under Way

    Here are some more.... :D
  3. The R/C Man

    375 Gallon Project Under Way

    Here are some of the gadgets maintaining everything......
  4. The R/C Man

    375 Gallon Project Under Way

    Next was the assembly of the light shroud. I used 1" L aluminium for the rail. It will be attached to the inside of the hood with pins to allow it to be adjustable..... The next pic is of the Barr Aquatic Kalk Reactor and Waste Collector...
  5. The R/C Man

    375 Gallon Project Under Way

    Hey Everyone! I have been talking about this project for a while so I thought you should see how it is progressing. I hope you enjoy all the pics...... The first is the design for the system..... The second is the stand... It is constructed using 2x2 tubular steel...
  6. The R/C Man

    air skimmer for 300g setup

    LOL..... Well so long as it works. :D I have been an apprentice for a couple years now building skimmers, reactors sumps ect. I have seen many people build new skimmers just to jump on a bandwagon when the skimmer they have works perfectly fime.... I think they are like me and have to have the...
  7. The R/C Man

    December Reef meeting! Looking ahead.

    Hey ED! I also did some speaking on the subjects and have some notes somewhere I could type up for you. I also have a couple of power point presentaions of the last couple of meetings I spoke at. If you would like I could mail them to you as well. Unless something else comes up. The next...
  8. The R/C Man


    Holy Cow Nikki! You must go through filters like crazy! Do you back flush your membrane occasionally? :D
  9. The R/C Man

    air skimmer for 300g setup

    Hey Everyone! Well, I just glanced through this thread and I am glad to see that the skimmer is working nicely for you. I just wanted to mention to others considering an upgraded skimmer; if your skimmer can produce a clear liquid after it is broken in and you need to throttle it back in order...
  10. The R/C Man

    Merry Christmas from Anthony :)

    Hey Anthony! Merry X-Mas to you as well! I have been looking forward to reading the books I purchased from you at the conference in the Tri-Cities. School and doing presentations for the Spokane Club has been monopolizing my time. Soon though... :D
  11. The R/C Man

    Internet hell!!!

    Mike, So you have some good (bad) pictures!?...... There is the smell of blackmail in he the air... :D
  12. The R/C Man

    Spokane Club Meeting Tonight!!!!!

    Jake, Looking forward to seeing you there...... Charlie, I forgot to mention the fee for the file and the copywrite paperwork you will need to sign upon reciept.... :eek: :lol: :lol:
  13. The R/C Man

    Spokane Club Meeting Tonight!!!!!

    Jake the meeting is for anyone who would like to attend...... :D Charlie, I am the presentor, and have the slide show if you would like it......
  14. The R/C Man

    Spokane Club Meeting Tonight!!!!!

    Hi All! Just so you don't miss it.... When: 630pm Where: Aquatic Dreams in Spokane Topic: Biotopes in the Marine Aquarium. We hope to see you there!!!! :D
  15. The R/C Man

    Spokane Meeting...Next one is Saturday 24th

    As Ed has mentioned we are having our meeting today at 630pm. It will be held at Aquatic dreams so it will easy to find... The topic will be: Biotopes in the Marine Aquarium. We hope to see you there!!!! :D
  16. The R/C Man

    looking for filter suggestions

    How do those socks work for you? The sump on my 375 is getting two sock slots that I will only use during cleaning the main tank to catch the debris. I won't run them on a continous basis... I figure running them all the time will make them a nitrate trap unless cleaned all the time. There is...
  17. The R/C Man

    looking for filter suggestions

    I agree with both of these guys.... It could be a number of facors... As CW mentioned over feeding, bioload etc. IMO and as Charlie said lots of macro algae for nitrate reduction. Are the higher nitrates a recent happening?
  18. The R/C Man

    Big Meeting in Tri-Cities

    Looks good by the way! :D
  19. The R/C Man

    Big Meeting in Tri-Cities

    Ed, Is that glass I see on the bottom of your tank!? Tisk tisk..... :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. The R/C Man

    Big Meeting in Tri-Cities

    Hi Ed! Hiromi and I just wanted to say thanks again for the wonderful job you and everyone else did setting up the meeting! We had a great time and are looking forward to next years event... :D We would also like to extend our thanks to Anthony & Terry for the informational lectures..... Oh...