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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. The R/C Man

    Lighting for a 40gal tank

    Well the lighting will depend on the inhabitants currently in the tank and any that may be added in the future. Please note that the watts per gallon method is very generalized and I recommend against using it. MH and florecsent lighting differ in the way they distribute light. MH is a point...
  2. The R/C Man

    under 10k or 20k?

    The blue side of the spectrum (20K) will penetrate deeper into the water which I believe would be the explanation for the excellent colors. I am still up in the air about what to use on my 360. I like the look of my 250w Coralvue 10k that is supplimented by 2 65w PC actinics on my little tank...
  3. The R/C Man

    TDS Meter bulk order......

    Cool thanks! I was just going to send you a PM to ask.... I am figuring all the shipping and PayPal fees now. I will send the "bills" out shortly and mail them tomorrow.....
  4. The R/C Man

    TDS Meter bulk order......

    You better start collecting aluminum cans.... :D :D
  5. The R/C Man

    TDS Meter bulk order......

    A lot. I showed 0 the 1 then 0 again. I guess it makes sense. It is hard for the meter to read if the meadium doesn't stay constant.....
  6. The R/C Man

    TDS Meter bulk order......

    Hey Matt! It is after the membrane that way I can tell if it is getting bad and so I don't prematurly expire the DI cartridge. The other one is after the DI to monitor the water going into the Kalk reactor.... I figure out that you need to read it while the unit is not running. Other wise it...
  7. The R/C Man

    TDS Meter bulk order......

    Here is mine mounted to the RO/DI unit. I decided the best place for it would be on either side of the DI cartridge. This thing even has a battery installed. A nice plus. Mine is reading only 1ppm after the membrane and 0ppm after the DI. :D
  8. The R/C Man

    TDS Meter bulk order......

    Oh, for the rest of the people who are getting them shipped directly. I will use the address you supplied on PayPal to figure the shipping costs and bill you for the exact charge plus the PayPal fee....
  9. The R/C Man

    TDS Meter bulk order......

    For the people in Richland... Who would like to receive the package for the group and who wants in on that? So far Anglecrx and Rico.......
  10. The R/C Man

    TDS Meter bulk order......

    HEY EVERYONE! THE PACKAGE ARRIVED ALREADY!!!! :D Ok, this is what I have. These people are having their new toy shipped to Matt... If I left anybody out please let me know... Big t Snobanker Mattseattle Nashon Burndawg Goby2004 Johnhr DonW Coralseas Plack Sam the snail
  11. The R/C Man

    Dons 125

    Dude the tank is looking great!!! On my litle tank I have a powerhead pointed behind the rock work to keep "stuff" from settling. On the new tank though I am not planning to keep much rock close to the walls....
  12. The R/C Man

    TDS Meter bulk order......

    Hey Everyone! UPDATE: The meters are scheduled to get here sometime on Tuesday... :D
  13. The R/C Man

    Top-off and water change project.

    Looks Good! I am a firm believer in keeping it simple but effective. The more "unecessary" componants we use in our systems the more possiblilty for a failure. Someone was discussing my design with me the other day and he was trying to convince me to use individual actuators to open and close...
  14. The R/C Man

    Top-off and water change project.

    Hey Don! There is a post on RC, 240 gallon in wall(image intense). It is a huge set up with a nice little water water change station mounted on a plywood base with casters. It has two rubbermaid garbage cans mounted to it as well as a Mag pump for water circulation. It is also used to add the...
  15. The R/C Man

    RO/DI 4 stage to 5 stage which filter to add?

    Hey Guys! I talked to Kevin and he recommended an additional DI cartrige. The reason being, if you have two you can use the first until it is completely expired instead of half way. Thus saving money and ensuring a better TDS output. He also recommended changing the standard carbon filter for...
  16. The R/C Man

    TDS Meter bulk order......

    Yeah I noticed that! I thought picking one up for $38 was a good deal until I saw the multiple order discount. Deals like these will help make the hobby grow by oftering high tech equipment to the "little guy". As we all know water quality is top on the list for optimal coral health and growth.....
  17. The R/C Man

    TDS Meter bulk order......

    johnehr, I can ship it directly to you if you like. I will just need to charge you shipping from here to your house. The shipping charges from the company to my place was divided up over the entire order. So it was really cheap. :D I am just trying to save others a few more bucks if they so...
  18. The R/C Man

    TDS Meter bulk order......

    Thanks Matt! It will save everyone that wants in on shipping including yourself.... Ok...... Who would like their meter to be sent to Matts house say "I".
  19. The R/C Man

    TDS Meter bulk order......

    Thanks Matt! I clicked the correct one.... Did you want to be a point of contact for Seattle?
  20. The R/C Man

    TDS Meter bulk order......

    :D Great News Everyone! :D The order was just placed for 20 TDS meters! I do appologize for the delay in setting up the rest of my PayPal account. I will be appling for their debit card so I don't have to do any more funds transfers. :D