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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. SaltwaterNoobs

    ~ March ~ Reef Frontiers ~ Pic of the Month ~

    They have absolutely nothing to do with it, but it's the only pic I have of a fish/coral that is of a sports team's colors :pout: According to the rules, my pic does not count, anyway, since it is not from my personal reef tank, but from the Seattle Aquarium (I was just about to send a note to...
  2. SaltwaterNoobs

    ~ Reef Frontiers ~ Picture of the Month

    I was actually wondering the same thing. I know I am very limited as to which months I can participate, and I am one of those people that does NOT have anything SPS in my tank, so I would automatically not be able to participate in that month, even though I have LOADS of great pics from other...
  3. SaltwaterNoobs

    ~ March ~ Reef Frontiers ~ Pic of the Month ~

    Pittsburgh Steelers (not a favorite, but one of the only pics I have of "team colors" :D )
  4. SaltwaterNoobs

    Where'd these eggs come from?

    *facepalm* Think I got it now. Just to make sure, here's another pic of the eggs, closer-up this time:
  5. SaltwaterNoobs

    Where'd these eggs come from?

    Hmmm I'll try it again, but when I tried doing that before it didn't work. Maybe I missed a small part of the link or something.
  6. SaltwaterNoobs

    Where'd these eggs come from?

    You know, I tried every single link from photobucket, and RF told me EVERY ONE of them was invalid >.< So, I went the old-fashioned way again. Let's hope these pics stick around this time lol. I was thinking snail eggs too. From which snail, though? The nassarius, since the eggs are on a...
  7. SaltwaterNoobs

    Where'd these eggs come from?

    Turned the lights on my tank just now and found these floating in a long webby stringy mess coming from my PSP-covered rock O_o Here's the short list of livestock in this tank, and tank specs: 4 gallon CAD aquarium One juvenile oscellaris clown 2 nassarius snails 1 stomatella snail 3 or 4...
  8. SaltwaterNoobs

    Not-so-mad-March Madness - 15 days of Q&A - Contest Answer Thread!!

    Hmmm...I think we all missed question 13. I was sleeping O_o For what it's worth, though, I'd say your dKH is fine (on the lower end, but in general it is suggested to aim between 8 and 12). Your Mg. is also fine, as it is recommended to have b/w 1250 and 1350 ppm's. But your calcium is low...
  9. SaltwaterNoobs

    Not-so-mad-March Madness - 15 days of Q&A - Contest Answer Thread!!

    #12: Aiptasia Anemone *shudders* You can use: Joe's Juice Lemon Juice (or Lime juice, I've found, when I was out of lemon juice :P ) Kalkwasser Paste Aiptasia X Aiptaser AIPTASER - Get Serious about Killing Aiptasia & Mojanos - NEW Electrolysis tool! | eBay Removing the rock/piece the aiptasia...
  10. SaltwaterNoobs

    Purple star polyp

    Glad to see they are doing well! :D
  11. SaltwaterNoobs

    Tropic Eden Sand...

    I always say the smaller the better, so I'd go with the Aragasnow.
  12. SaltwaterNoobs

    Not-so-mad-March Madness - 15 days of Q&A - Contest Answer Thread!!

    I say it is a blue T. Squamosa, also known as AWESOME! :D
  13. SaltwaterNoobs


    2 gallon SG 1.024 Temp between 78 and 80
  14. SaltwaterNoobs

    5.5 nano tank.

    AOh they're a great addition to cleaner crews. They're pickers and will eat leftover food, stuff on the rocks, etc. As long as you're feeding your tank, it will be fine. It will probably catch a few pieces of food when you feed the tank.
  15. SaltwaterNoobs

    5.5 nano tank.

    After you eradicate the one with a lighter, may I suggest putting a peppermint shrimp in your tank? Every time I've had issues with aiptasia, I throw a couple peppermints in and they take care of the aiptasia almost overnight. But once you burn that little pest off, adding a peppermint might...
  16. SaltwaterNoobs

    5.5 nano tank.

    Yeah, those bad boys are nocturnal and definitely get HUGE. Wait till they start sprouting off baby buds! I had a huge, football-size piece of LR in a tank once, and the entire backside was covered in these little nems. You can immagine what it looked like at night!
  17. SaltwaterNoobs

    5.5 nano tank.

    Does it look something like this? If that's what you have, then it's not a nuisance. They are nocturnal anemones, and will multiply well under good tank conditions. Harmless, AND nifty looking!