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  1. Reef Setup

    Let's See Some Zoos!

    It's ok :) Some ppl find me to be very blunt! But really im a nice guy who's just straight up about things :D
  2. Reef Setup

    Lets see those chalice's

    That one is nice! What is the name? I never seen that one over jeff's. My most favorite from him i did get before he left is the tyree AE watermelon which was doing good till i took the rock out and scrubbed the algae around it and accidentally scrapped one of the eyes :(! It's slowly recovering...
  3. Reef Setup

    Let's See Some Zoos!

    You have a point sometimes ppl do cut around the ones not getting light but it most cases when ppl do get coral's there frags, they usually cut it if its not doing so great or cut it in half becuz they would like to find what lighting suits the coral! Imo and i dont see nothing wrong with...
  4. Reef Setup

    Lets see those chalice's

    This one i got from treehugger towards the end of last year! Just recently red streaks are coloring in, lookin to be a nice center piece for my tank!
  5. Reef Setup

    Lets see those chalice's

    :eek: damn, Dang wtf you been feeding it? Look's like a sweet hybrid wm to me! I'd like a piece, you should call it dang's hybrid.
  6. Reef Setup

    Let's See Some Zoos!

    :lol: very nice find martin! I agree with just buying something its kinda stupid to buy something then frag it immediately! lol
  7. Reef Setup

    Lets see those chalice's

    Nice chalice Dang, what would you call that one? Let's see that killer watermelon you got from blue sierra awhile back! I know you been hiding the gems;)
  8. Reef Setup

    Let's See Some Zoos!

    thanks.....PE's are becoming my favorite!
  9. Reef Setup

    Let's See Some Zoos!

    icandy Blue Agave PE True White PE Red Halo PE Chrono Triggers Sweet Dreams
  10. Reef Setup

    Lets see those chalice's

    Dee that watermelon colony is sweet! you can send it to me fed ex ;) hahaha j/k! thanks for sharing..
  11. Reef Setup


    That sux, well the next thing to do is take it back! You'll be back on 2morrow, by then ill know the maps better:razz:
  12. Reef Setup


    hahaha... seems like your 360 is old :rolleyes: ive had that problem when i had a used one awhile back!
  13. Reef Setup


    You guYs ready to get worked:badgrin: Ill let my gun taLk!
  14. Reef Setup

    Lets see those chalice's

    haha lets see a pic?
  15. Reef Setup

    Lets see those chalice's

    update Grape Watermelon Atl Molten Lava Emerald Mummy Eye
  16. Reef Setup

    Let's See Some Zoos!

    those are cool moto! paste them in the insert image to blow them up so you dont have to press on the image.
  17. Reef Setup

    Lets see those chalice's

    Here's a pic of the mother colony
  18. Reef Setup

    Lets see those chalice's

    hey peter, im a newbie when comes to showing links:lol: i sent you pm to where its at, maybe you can link it here so ppl can see it!
  19. Reef Setup

    Lets see those chalice's

    Hey adam pink ****ies is the one for ya! There is alot to choose from! My newest addition ive been drooling over the eye is the crazy fox!