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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. roscoe

    Amazing 180g Fish Tank - $900 (bought new for $6000)

    Been thinking about this. I might want it. what all is left?
  2. roscoe

    Been a while

    Thanks for the warm welcome ole friends. It's been a while hasn't it? Good to see some familiar names. I just want a simple and less demanding system for my lil ones. I noticed there are not too many local shops around any longer. Any good shops locally you guys can point me to? Thanks for the...
  3. roscoe

    Been a while

    Sooooo nothing really new then lol. Maybe leds are a little more advanced? Should I just get led and not even bother with mh?
  4. roscoe

    Been a while

    It's been a while since I sold the 350g system. Almost 5 years. Kids are older now and been thinking about getting back into the hobby. What's new in the hobby since? I'm thinking of a 75-90g system should be a good size to start back up. What's the latest and greatest life support system now?
  5. roscoe

    Amazing 180g Fish Tank - $900 (bought new for $6000)

    This is a nice set up! Been a long while since I left the hobby. if it was half the size I be all over it.
  6. roscoe

    here the start of my 360 gallon build

    Reef tanks!!!! Miss em!
  7. roscoe

    Ilovereef's new 2.5 galons mix reef.

    Yeah I see things has changed quite a bit around here since I left. Lots of names I don't recognize and still a few that I do. I miss all those bright colors but than i don't miss the time I spent on the system LOL. I might get something together in the near future but nothing as big as the...
  8. roscoe

    Ilovereef's new 2.5 galons mix reef.

    Hey how are you my friend. That is a cute lil tank. I'm getting a lil itch again.
  9. roscoe

    Lost all my contacts

    Thanks everyone for your warm welcome! Yeah I'm just enjoying the time with the family right now. I'm sure I will be back one of these days. Yeah if I don't hear from the buyer soon. i definately need the tank out and will hold on to the equipment. E & B looks like you guys are moving on up...
  10. roscoe

    Got Fish?!?

    I'm taking a lil break from the hobby. i'm sure I will be back.
  11. roscoe

    Lost all my contacts

    pm sent
  12. roscoe

    Got Fish?!?

    Very nice Marvin. I miss my flasshers! Definately will have them in a system if I ever set another one up.
  13. roscoe

    Lost all my contacts

    Congrats Mike. I just noticed that you are now a RF staff member. Tough job huh..... I mod on another "reef" forum.
  14. roscoe

    Lost all my contacts

    Hey thanks bro. you took a long break from the hobby from what I remember. How is everything and what size sytem are you working with now?
  15. roscoe

    Lost all my contacts

    I miss it here too. I met and made some good friends here. The reason why i don't visit as much is that if I do I will want to set up another system which I know I will in the near future. Seamax is coming here soon right. I will have to take the family there to see all the new toys and also...
  16. roscoe

    Lost all my contacts

    The family is doing great! The little one is getting bigger and biger each passing day. She just started walking a couple weeks ago. I want to give Hersey a chance to get to me before I make any sales. He has paid for half of the system already and i don't want to resell it but is has long...
  17. roscoe

    Lost all my contacts

    Well hello RF! It has been a long time since I visited here. Some may know me and pretty sure have forgotten about me. Any how my phone magically erased all my contact numbers and well I can't get ahold of certain folks. As some of you may know that I had the 350+ gallon system. It was sold to...
  18. roscoe

    Marine Aquarium Expo 2011

    OHHHH dang...... Been out of the hobby for a few months and just browsing around for fun and found about this GREATexciting news!!!!!! I am excited to see this come to Washington State. It is about time! The news already got me pumped and planning for a future system. I will definately be...
  19. roscoe

    To reef big? or not to reef big?? LOL

    Big systems are great. I love them! I wish I didn't have to let mines go. Taking a little breather for a minute but will have something small for my daughter ok ok for me too lol. I do plan on doing something the same size or bigger in the future sometime. Take your time and Plan your system...
  20. roscoe

    want plasma?

    Price will be down soon enough just like every new fad in this hobby.This is definatley my light source for a future set-up. Probally won't be for a good couple years before that happen though haha. I should have plenty of time to plan out the system while I break from the hobby.