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  1. roscoe

    want plasma?

    Check these out......
  2. roscoe

    Marine Aquarium Expo 2011

    Down the steet from me too!!!!! Puyallup fair grounds get my vote!!!
  3. roscoe

    Swifty's 265 gal

    Tank looks good!
  4. roscoe

    My Petco Experience

    yeah I got a regal Angel for $6.99 once. It was suppose to be 69.99 hahaha
  5. roscoe

    My Petco Experience

    Wow surprised the heck out of me!!! They must have revamped thier saltwater department because they yanked out all saltwater LS for a few years due to that particular branch having problems with high death rates and not finding the right employee with enough knowledge of saltwater products. I...
  6. roscoe

    Marine Aquarium Expo 2011

    I know I would attend even if I don't have a tank.
  7. roscoe

    PSAS Frag swap Sept 18th 2010

    Sounds like you guys will have a great time! Have fun!!!!! I will be tankless for a bit:(
  8. roscoe

    Our 1st Reef Tank build ever - 70 gal AGA tall

    Pics and corals are looking great Eric!!! I wonder where you got some of those beauties?:cool::cool:
  9. roscoe

    LED fixtures and PAR ratings

    Well I do want to but some LED lighting in the garage.
  10. roscoe

    LED fixtures and PAR ratings

    AHHHHHHH man Todd.... Just when I am taking a break from the hobby. I would have loved to test your lighting out. Hopefully by the time I get back into the hobby you will have a full line of of products available.
  11. roscoe

    I'm a sucker for a cute fish

    this cracked me up..... What other kind of crackers are there that you can eat?
  12. roscoe

    Whats the best in sump skimmer out there?

    Well if you don't go with that one. I have a SWC 250 cone skimmer with the Askoll pump for sale.
  13. roscoe

    Closed loop pump selection

    Go reeflo or go home. I am running a hammerhead although it isn't super quiet but the most quiet out of all external pumps I have seen and heard. Oh yeah stay far away from Dolphin pumps unless you want a wet floor. I would never use a mag 24 or even worse 36. Those things produce wayyyy to much...
  14. roscoe

    Hose Clamp inside tank

    I actually use a stainless steel one with no issues.
  15. roscoe

    What is a good Powerhead for a standard 55 gallon tank?

    IMHO Vortechs than Tunze. The VT are actually cheaper then the Tunze as you don't have to buy a controller to control them it already comes built in. I use to have alot of wet side failures on the VT but thier new generation WS they sent me free of charge plus an extra for back up also free are...
  16. roscoe

    Congrats to Brett(BCT182) and his better half Rochelle

    Congrats bro!!! I knew he was about to pop out yesterday when I talked to ya. Hit me up a bit later if you have time. I have something for you.
  17. roscoe

    torn between LED or Plasma Arc light

    Yeah they are just as expensive as LED. It would actually be cheaper to go with the arcs then LEDs on larger systems.
  18. roscoe

    torn between LED or Plasma Arc light

    I've seen the Arcs.I am very interested in this lighting. 1 light can cover a 4 square feet area! I think this lighting will be the next thing aside from LEDs.
  19. roscoe

    large tank setup, need some input

    Risky if you ask me... That is a ton of weight or should I say 2-3.
  20. roscoe

    Lighting idea

    3 months and 50 or 100 post I believe.