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  1. Mopar Reefer

    Shipping corals

    UPS, FEDEX, USPS? What's the best?
  2. Mopar Reefer

    Shipping corals

    Going to be taking down my tank in the near future and I want to be prepared for the "will you ship" questions. How do people ship, I assume double bags with heat packs, but USPS? UPS? Ziplocks? I want to know what has been your s/h experience, good bad etc...thanks in advance!
  3. Mopar Reefer

    in need of a street tuning shop

    Tapp'n is easy, the only issue is if your not completely straight when you tap the threads as it could become an issue if you have very limited room to work with. Good luck with your upgrade man. I'm all about extra horses, I just prefer no turbos :) No replacement for displacement.
  4. Mopar Reefer

    Computer Work

    Anybody know anyone or maybe they themselves that can do computer work. I have a labtop that the power jack is broken off the board and it will need to be replaced. I can get the part just need some one to do the replacement thing. I went to best buy and got the quote from $200-$600. I know...
  5. Mopar Reefer

    Derasa Clam

    Blue/red hermits peppermint (5) and one skunk shrimp and a few emeralds and a SLF crab. None seem to bother him at all. As of this monring the clam is still not opening up fully, atleast where you can see the mantle.
  6. Mopar Reefer

    Derasa Clam

    There is something on the clam shell, but they do not look like the snails you mentioned. The "thing" looks like a small, really small snake all curled up. You can see the coil, tube worm of some sort?
  7. Mopar Reefer

    Derasa Clam

    I'll try that thanks
  8. Mopar Reefer

    Derasa Clam

    No new fish, added a few new chalices to the collection but thats it. Even did a water change thinking that would help, but no luck. I did change bulbs a few months bac(Dec) but thats it. 250W MH's, XM 20K
  9. Mopar Reefer

    Derasa Clam

    I have had one for about 6 months now in my 90gal. The past wk or so it will not open up fully. I tested the tank for Alk 9.6 cal 415 and MG 1300 and all seems well. I even moved it under different flow conditions nothing :confused: What could it be. I have a maxima anbout 10" away and it...
  10. Mopar Reefer

    Good Online Fish Store

    I'm confused, you said you purchased small snails and they very small :confused: ya they are small but for < 0.45 cents you can't expect the adults. I'm surprised the majority where DOA, they have a good return policy, where they able to refund your $$?
  11. Mopar Reefer

    Good Online Fish Store or I have used both and am extremely pleased with the services provided.
  12. Mopar Reefer

    Cycle Complete

    Depending on the travel time of your LR you may not experience a cycle just give it time 3-6wks and test a few times a wk to determine if your cycle has ran its course. How long has your tank been up and running? Brown alage on the sand? May be diatoms, which is a natural side effect of your...
  13. Mopar Reefer

    Couple Clean Up Crew Questions

    Cerith snails are also a plus in a CUC. They are mostly night feeders and love detrius.
  14. Mopar Reefer

    yeah sure call me, 253-961-4705

    yeah sure call me, 253-961-4705
  15. Mopar Reefer

    Take your pick, LOL. Seriously, I enjoy both Mopars a bit more though.

    Take your pick, LOL. Seriously, I enjoy both Mopars a bit more though.
  16. Mopar Reefer

    whats the best way to feed a shrimp

    ^^What he said :)
  17. Mopar Reefer

    whats the best way to feed a shrimp

    Overfeed your fish and the shrimp will clean up the remnants, there scavengers they will find it. You could always targert feed with a silverside if you wanted.
  18. Mopar Reefer

    Overgrown hair algae

    Start running a reactor with GFO that and frequent H20 changes is how I beat my GHA problem, wasn't as bad as yours but close.
  19. Mopar Reefer

    sump question "help"

    ^^^Very good advice I learned the hard way.
  20. Mopar Reefer

    Refugium lites

    +1 and it helps stablize PH has someone else has already mentioned.