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  1. Mopar Reefer

    whats the best sump refugium contents??? chaeto???

    Diversity in your sump is what I believe is key. Deep sand bed and a few different types of macro alage. As was previously mentioned caulpera (feather, razor, grape) and/or chaeto. Those should help export excess nutrients in your tank.
  2. Mopar Reefer

    need help getting rid of hair algae!

    Do you use tap water?
  3. Mopar Reefer

    need help getting rid of hair algae!

    You said they were not good but you did not specify so what is your phospahte readings? You have to find the source of your excess nutrients, overfeeding? Water change schedule? How old are your bulbs? A recent change in lighting will spike a growth in algae too. I had a huge GHA problem...
  4. Mopar Reefer

    Koralia Issues

    It seems that way uh? The third thing already happend, I changed jobs this past monday. BTW car was a total loss per the insurance, that counts as the 4th thing. I really liked that car too.
  5. Mopar Reefer

    Koralia Issues

    Took the advice and tried an outlet in the bathroom and all of them work like a champ! ;) The power has been off/on in my living room (fish room) for a day now. Corals are a little ticked but hopefully the apt complex can get it figured out being it is only in my building. If it isn't fixed...
  6. Mopar Reefer

    Koralia Issues

    Both of the ones I got from you are doing it too, this is why I am soo confused. The do spin but sometimes backwards, weird.
  7. Mopar Reefer

    Koralia Issues

    Tried that too bro, even switched K3 impellars with K4 and visa versa but no luck so now I have a batch of 6 koralias that do not work, bum deal.
  8. Mopar Reefer

    Koralia Issues

    Cleaned it and still a no go. This sux!
  9. Mopar Reefer

    Koralia Issues

    So tonight my power surged off/on for 2hrs, and I wake up to the sound of my K3/4's clicking. I unplug/plug them in and it still makes the same sound. The impellar is surging back and forth on the rod. I have had this happend before and usually a good tap on the side will do the trick but not...
  10. Mopar Reefer

    Car stolen

    Update, late last night I get a call from the Auburn PD saying that they have found my car, outside a house unlocked and some neighbors called it in as suspious (sp?) So... today I'll go take a look and see the damage, if any. Already know by now the electronics are long gone :(
  11. Mopar Reefer

    Sump - HELP!

    What kind of pump is it?
  12. Mopar Reefer

    Car stolen

    No news on the car, now the 30 day waiting game begins. Tick, tock tick tock.
  13. Mopar Reefer

    Car stolen

    It could happen there's no telling what you could find on the back of Ft Lewis. Place is HUGE!
  14. Mopar Reefer

    Inline Heaters!!

    I saw they have the small ones in the latest Dr F&S catalog.
  15. Mopar Reefer

    Car stolen

    You don't know how stoked I was to go to the swap, being this was my first weekend off since May and this car crap happens. Sounds like it was a good time. I don't feel so bad then, I was looking for a clam for my girlfriends tank and a brain for my 90.
  16. Mopar Reefer

    Car stolen

    Yeah I have full coverage on it so I'm covered there. After talking to some neighbors, one of them had his nissan maxima stolen last month, except he has a newer model. Not really sure who would want an older car with a slight oil leak and some decent hail damage?? I look at it this way if...
  17. Mopar Reefer

    Car stolen

    So I'm getting ready to head to the PSAS frag swap a few hrs ago :D my first weekend off since May, I walk outside to an empty parking spot where my car WAS :eek: It has been repoted stolen if any body see's/has seen it let me know, last seen at the hampton apts Friday 3pm,thanks. 1998...
  18. Mopar Reefer

    Me?? A Granpa??? VERY SOON!

    I'm sure your excited, and rightfully so. Congrads and best wishes to a happy and healthy grandchild.
  19. Mopar Reefer

    Looking for jeos juice???

    If your on the south end, Indoor Reef in Tacoma has Joe's juice or try ebay, wicked cheap.
  20. Mopar Reefer

    BULLET Goby

    I had a bullet in my 90g for a few months and then sadly he quite eating and didn't make it regardless of my attempts. I never had aproblem with red slime but he did sift sand quite a bit and always made a mess when doing it.