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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. Mopar Reefer

    Leaking Bulkheads.

    The easiest way to fix them is run some teflon tape around the threads. You can pick the stuff up at wal-mart and will be the end all be all of your leaks. Make sure you start the tape clockwise if not when you screw the bulkhead togather it will peel right off.
  2. Mopar Reefer

    Coupons Sent For $29.99 IO Buckets

    You will need to sign up for their email listing. Next time you stop by barrier look on the counter next to the register and you will see the sign-up sheet.
  3. Mopar Reefer

    Display bubbles?

    NM Close post, sorry!
  4. Mopar Reefer


    I like the arch/overhang, looks good!
  5. Mopar Reefer

    Very high PH

    What is the expiration date on the test?
  6. Mopar Reefer

    Cleaner Clams

    I purchased some for (4) and none of them made it more than 3wks, not excatly what happened but I just don't think they are cut-out for our type of tanks. Atleast they weren't expensive :)
  7. Mopar Reefer

    got new xenia :) any advice on kepping him alive

    Depends on the nutrients in the water and parameters. Give it a few months and you'll wish you never would of added it in your tank. It takes over everythign and is a PITA to get rid off. On the bright side it's an easy coral to care of.
  8. Mopar Reefer

    Looking to borrow a TDS meter

    If you ever on the south side let me know and you could borrow mine, no problem.
  9. Mopar Reefer

    got new xenia :) any advice on kepping him alive

    $45.00 :eek: What kind of Xenia silver, pom-pom? Some people on the board here just give it away as freebies or it gets tossed in the trash or sump.
  10. Mopar Reefer

    Colt Corals

    Do you test for iodine? Stuff can be very fatal even in small amounts. Shrimp death could be a precursor to too much iodine?
  11. Mopar Reefer

    Just wanted to intoduce myself

    Welcome to the board Rick!
  12. Mopar Reefer

    how do i adjust corals to mh lighting

    You can start your photo period on a few hrs per day with your MH's and then over the span of a few wks up your time from say 3-4 hrs to 7-9hrs. In regards to the duration of your photo period, this is something that is tank specific IMO. It depends on the corals and your supplemental...
  13. Mopar Reefer

    Grape Caulerpa invasion

    My Salifin and Kole tangs love to eat grape caulerpa. Maybe you can rent one and throw it in your tank and see what happens?
  14. Mopar Reefer

    New 75 after all this time,

    In the 3rd picture it looks like a dead arrow crab on top of your tank right side fwd of the skimmer, maybe i'm see things? Regardless, love the Miller Lite cup, cheers :)
  15. Mopar Reefer

    Emerald Crabs

    +1 for the above comments, great for GHA and bubble algae. I have 5 in a mixed reef tank, awesome guys to have in your CUC arsenol!
  16. Mopar Reefer

    Pink Tip Haitian Anemone

    I received an PTH anemone from as a freebie a few months back and I placed it in a moderate flow area between a few rocks hoping he would establish this as his new home. The following morning, he was gone, I looked everywhere in my 90gal and to this day I have yet to find...
  17. Mopar Reefer

    They opened up the following morning when the lights came on, I placed them in the sand for now...

    They opened up the following morning when the lights came on, I placed them in the sand for now. Thanks again, they look great!
  18. Mopar Reefer

    Member of the Month - August 2009

    Congrads on MOTM, and thanx for all the corals!
  19. Mopar Reefer

    Coral near Maxima

    Recently purchased a maxima and put him in the middle of my tank on some rock, which he has now anchored to and calls home. He moved a little and is really close to a colony of zoa's. When the zoa's grow out would there be a problem with them growing on the clam shell?