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  1. Mopar Reefer

    Seattle to hot 90º this week

    I'm ok with that :D
  2. Mopar Reefer

    Seattle to hot 90º this week

    I got my forecast off the weather channel website, but regardless the good thing is the word cooler under Friday! Can't wait.
  3. Mopar Reefer

    Seattle to hot 90º this week

    103 degrees here in Puyallup, tank holding steady at 84. I'm going through ice packs faster than my freezer can freeze'em. Good luck guys, cold front coming through Friday only going to be 85 :)
  4. Mopar Reefer

    Seattle to hot 90º this week

    No joke, if he didn't have clothes on then he defintely will have'em off today and tommrrow, 101 degrees, reminds me of TX.
  5. Mopar Reefer

    Seattle to hot 90º this week

    Feel you pain, I'm on the 3rd floor apt and I swear I just saw the devil run through my apt. You know it is bad when your fish are sweating :lol:
  6. Mopar Reefer

    Seattle to hot 90º this week

    Just picked up a portable AC unit hopefully that will help with the tank temps. Changed my lighting schedule to adjust for the upcoming hot days. Already went through 6 frozen wa bottles and it is still hovering around 84.
  7. Mopar Reefer

    Shrimp Compatability

    How many of each did you have in your tank?
  8. Mopar Reefer

    Shrimp Compatability

    That was my fear, my skunks are big and have been in the tank for a few months now. How big was you tank?
  9. Mopar Reefer

    Shrimp Compatability

    Anybody running skunk and pepermint shrimps in their tanks? I've got a 90gal and currrently houses 2 skunk shrimp looking to add a few peppermints, thoughts?
  10. Mopar Reefer

    Seattle to hot 90º this week

    I'm dreading the upcoming week, 3rd floor apt and I work nights so sleeping in the day is going to be horrible. Went to wal-mart looking for AC units good luck with that, not one to be had. Found a decent portable AC on craigslist drove 45min one way to be stood up b/c he already sold it and...
  11. Mopar Reefer

    Nano Skimmer

    No I haven't, wouldn't know where to begin. I have never modded any skimmer that I have owned.
  12. Mopar Reefer

    need HELP ASAP

    You could always drill the back of you tank and use 2 bulkhead fittings with hose clamps and you would never have to worry about it again. Or you can drill a hole in the plastic tubing and insert a zip tie through the hole and secure it to your tank that way?
  13. Mopar Reefer

    Nano Skimmer

    Picked up a CPR bak-pak skimmer from a local RF member, so far so good going on 2wks! Thanks for all the advice, appreciate it.
  14. Mopar Reefer

    Overflow problems

    Squeeze it with your bare hands a couple of times, atleast thats what I have to do every now and then when the power shuts off. This may not work as I'm not familiar with Spa Flex tubing.
  15. Mopar Reefer

    Overflow problems

    Is your overflow return line plastic or hard line? You may need to "burp" it/ purge the air trapped inside. Or you could possibly have a snail trapped in the line, its happened to me a few times until i built a snail trap ;)
  16. Mopar Reefer

    Pad for return pump to sit on in sump

    You can also try weather stripping for door jambs, the 2" stuff is what I use, but the mouse pad is a good idea too.
  17. Mopar Reefer

    Tap Water TDS

    S. Hill in Puyallup 40-45
  18. Mopar Reefer

    Green Hair Algae

    First off before you go chaning your sandbed, how old is the substrate? This step may not be neccessary. IMO changing your sand bed to fix an alage problem is a big step. If your tank is mature, say greater than 2-3 yrs old then this could possibly be a solution. If not then I think that...
  19. Mopar Reefer

    Metal halides time

    You can mess around with your photo period to find out what works best for your tank/corals. I used to run the MH's for 10-12 hrs a day but noticed slow growth and bleaching of colors on my corals. Now i only run my MH's for 7 hrs a day and it has made a world of difference.
  20. Mopar Reefer

    Green Hair Algae

    ^ true but you need find out what is causing the influx of nutrients, IMO.