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  1. G

    coral feeding

    Thank you for the response! Johnny, good question as regards to BB tanks!
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    coral feeding

    Mike, I read your above post and I do have one question. We have a Tubastrea (tube coral) and were told that we had to feed it by hand, which we have been doing. Do you think this is really neccessary or is it catching microorganisms and detritus at night when the polyps are out?
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    Is Phytoplankton a necessity addition to a reef tank?

    [ Here is something to ponder.....when you clean off your glass, what are you cleaning? Algae. Do you think this would provide the same food for your tank as adding phyto? Hmmm...good question Nikki! Food for thought so to say! I was feeding Phyto but, in the last couple of weeks have...
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    Nice place you've got here...

    Welcome Vina and Jon!
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    Comment by 'Gina' in media 'Jakarta Live Rock'

    Awesome rock! Do you sell this rock?
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    The Limitations are Limitless

    I guess you could look at it as though well...looks like I need another tank! This is one of the challenges of reefing! Pick and choose.
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    what a trip to spokane!!

    Hmmmmm...very good excuse for a bigger tank! You need somewhere for all the corals to live! Great Pics!
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    ID Please

    Our Copperband took care of ours. Now he's on the hunt for more! Kinda feel sorry for him. Ditto also on the above post.
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    Happiness is......

    Besides the obvious (our reef tanks) happiness is meeting a whole bunch of great people and making some wonderful friends!
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    Thanks Curt! I'll be sure to check it out!
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    My new tank!

    CoralGirlShi, Have fun with your tank! It's nice to see young people enjoying this hobby!
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    my sand...

    What type of sand do you have? We used live sand and it never looked abnormal. Is it hard like dryed mud?
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    Recent Tank Shots

    looks great! I love all the clams on the bed! Thank you for sharing.
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    Tank Coming Down!

    Big job for the weekend! But, look what you have forward to!
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    Refractometer - cleaning

    One way to avoid complaints from neighbors who probably don't have power to offer it to them. They will probably say no thanks but, may not be as quick to complain about the noise either. Just a thought.
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    MyReefCreations skimmer

    Not an infomercial at all. It's good to have other peoples input on products that are out there for sale. Glad to hear that you have found a skimmer that you are happy with.
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    Happiness is......

    Happiness is.....a healthy and stable tank!
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    600 gallon custom acrylic tank! check this out

    I've seen that before on E-bay. Could you imagine aquascaping! Yikes!
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    Refractometer - cleaning

    We use one for our tank also and clean it with a soft towel after every use and 2 drops is sufficient.