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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. nata

    Thank you.

    Katchupboy..if you are ever in the Auburn area send me a pm and drop by..and by the way you guys make me feel like the total coral hoarder..i have to go to some addiction meetings..and today I am first in line for this groupbuy..cannot keep me away from a good deal..darn
  2. nata

    Thank you.

    Need more candy..addict talking..
  3. nata

    SeaKing groupBuy

    Now this is really generous!!!!
  4. nata

    Used 180gallon system for SALE!

    Pm sent!!!!!hope to take a look at it today!
  5. nata

    Glass expert-need help-starfire glass gets dull?heaters fault?what is going on?!

    We definetly have to talk ..i will call you in the next days..
  6. nata

    Glass expert-need help-starfire glass gets dull?heaters fault?what is going on?!

    I have a shallow starfire glass aquarium and today I did my daily maintance and realized that dome dull spots on my glass were permanent..I thought they were Calicium but it is surely in the razor blade helps..i just removed a heater from this area and wonder if this is the reason..i...
  7. nata

    coral ID please

    It is a pretty monster for sure..doing great
  8. nata

    coral ID please is trying to fuel my addiction..I am in trouble..coral hoarding at it finest lol
  9. nata

    coral ID please

    Nice color..i like it..
  10. nata

    A little on what we have planned

    Sounds like a wonderful concept!!!
  11. nata

    PSAS Frag and Equipment Swap/Sale (Sep 15 in Auburn, WA)

    Another fun Psas event..thanks to the Psas staff and Tom for opening his home to us and all the old ladies in the neighborhood lol..I had lots of fun and love to chat with people who enjoy the same interest..can't wait for the next one...
  12. nata

    Welcome Oceans by Design!

    Woop woop..perfect for the addict..will be first in line!
  13. nata

    New to the Seattle Area

    Welcome..great time to come to the frag swap on saturday and meet some people..
  14. nata

    Need help installing red devil wheel on sicce/frag swap?

    Problem solved..used the edge of the doorstep..after it opened ones it opened like butter
  15. nata

    Need help installing red devil wheel on sicce/frag swap?

    Tried for hours..could not get it open ..bizarre
  16. nata

    Need help installing red devil wheel on sicce/frag swap?

    Are you coming to the swap on saturday and have experience of opening the pump cover on the sicce psk 2500 and exchanging the shaft..I need your help.i cannot get it open..just ordered two new pumps with red devil pins and now I am to stupid or weak to open the thing..but don't want to break...
  17. nata

    September 2012 Club Meeting: Frag Swap/Sale

    This is a great tank..hope people will take advantage of this great opportunity..i am really getting's time to count the days..